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Ireland between 1169 and 1541

- The confrontations about the king supports the Anglo-Norman conquest

- the inferior ( unterlegen ) king of Leinster ( Dermot Mac Murchada ) asked by King Heinrich 2. for Anglo-Norman barons to help him

- Heinrich was King of England

- he wants his kingdom back

- he promised them areas and titles in Leinster

- 1169 came Dermot back with foreign mercenaries ( Söldner ) and lots of Irish allies

- He could recapture ( zurückerobern ) a part of his areas

- Per example Dublin and other cities at the east coast

- After his death became his son-in-law, Richard Strongbow, the throne of Leinster

- Heinrich came 1171 to Ireland with a big army to prevent an independant Anglo-

Norman kingdom

- One year later most Kings Munsters and Leinsters, and also the Anglo-Norman barons

was defeated

- they had only some rights

- at 1300 early 65 per cent were in the hand of the new conquerer

- the defeated kept only the highlands

- 1185 and 1210 came Heinrich's son Johann to Ireland

- he wanted to stop the spread ( Ausbreitung ) from the Anglo-Norman

- Beginning of the 14. of century began the Irish to fights against the foreign reign

( Fremdherrschaft )

- After the battle by Bannockburn 1314 came the Scottish king,Edward Bruce, to I Ireland

- He tried without success to defeated the English

- Although Bruce\' plan went wrong, England lost sth. from the power

- After the plague ( Pest ) epidemic of 1348, the Irish population had halved herself

- The island was no more rich

- the English landowners onlylived in the foreign countries

- In the coming years, were the English interests still pushed through.

- 1537 tried the English King Heinrich 8. to bring the Reformation to Ireland

- but the population remained Catholic

- 1541 became Heinrich king of Ireland.


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