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Interior and exterior crisises (1945-1974)

While this happened, Japan declared war to USA. With the deployment of 2 Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 Japan was forced to capitulation, before U.S. Troups arrived on the Basic Isles.

The Korea War in 1950 followed from the beginning Cold War : Every Communistic State was declared as enemy, so the USA had to help South Korea which was threatened by the Communstic North Korea.

In 1962 sowjet rocket bases were found on the also communistic Cuba. In reaction to this, President Kennedy commanded to form a blockade on the Sea, so that the U.S.S.R. couldn't deliver any new weapons to Cuba. One month later the blockade is ended, after the U.S.S.R.declared they'd transport the weapons back. On November 22th, 1963 John F. Kennedy is assasinated in Dallas. Vice-President Lyndson B. Johnson becomes President an is more successful in his Reformpolicy than Kennedy.

Although the U.S.A. had made the looking after Racism in Germany to their task, there was still discrimination of black people in their own country. On April 2nd, 1963 blak people demonstrate under leadership of Martin L. King without violence for Race integration. On Reaction on this, over 3300 demonstrators were arrested. In August over 200.000 white and black people demonstrate for new civil rights, which include the same rights for all people. After a march to Washington Martin L. King held his most popular speech
("I have a dream ... ") in front of the Lincoln-Memorial. In Juny 1964 the Congress passes the new Civil-Rights-Law, which guarantees equal rights for all Americans. On April 6th, 1968 Martin Luther King is assasinated in Memphis by an escaped prisoner.

From 1961 to 1973 the United States fight their longest and most senseless war : The Vietnam War. It has been again due to Communism - North Vietnam wanted to force South-Vietnam to become communistic. Many people in America demonstrated against the US policy in this case. 56241 American Soldiers lost their lifes in this war, 1344 are still missing and 303616 Soldiers were injured.

The Cold War seems to calm down - in May 1972 Nixon is the first President who visits the USSR. In Moscow the SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) were signed.

In Juny 1972 five persons were arrested while they broke into the Election Headquarter of the Democratic Party which was accommodated in the Watergate-Apartments. They wanted to install bugs on behalf of the Petition for Reelection of the President. Civil Servants and Nixon's assistance try to veil the connections. In 1974 the House of Represantatives wants to achieve a removal Nixon's from office because a few more scandals are uncovered. For example offences against personality rights, misuse of public money etc.
On August 9th, 1974 President Nixon steps back. The following President Gerald R. Ford pardons him, so Nixon cannot be prosecuted.


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