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Emphasis of 1993 politic

20. January 1993 Bill Clinton became President. Foreign policy minister Warren Christopher presented his programme to the senate: economic security, a reform of the NATO, to an extension of the partnership with Russia and with Asian States, the support for freedom in the Near East and no widespread of nuclear weapons.
The programme did not mention environmental protection and so the Clinton-administration took economic priorities before the Climate protection agreement in Kyto-Protocols December 1997. Also human rights didn't play an important role but the US remained fighting against terrorism for freedom. So America took again military action on Haiti 1994 and Kosovo 1999 and showed the powerlessness of the UN. But for his nuclear weapon rejection Clinton and his administration could get Brasilia, Argentina and South Africa to agree. On the other side some states weren't bothered and they did nuclear tests, for example North Korea, Iraq, Pakistan and Libyan.
In other crisis region the US could succeed. September 13th, 1993 Israel and the PLO agreed to the Gaza-Jericho-Agreement. One year later Israel and Jordanian made peace treaty. Also in North Ireland America became involved in the conflict so that in 1998 it came to a peace treaty. In the Balkan region was it a bit difficult. But also the US helped to make a peace treaty and by the sending out of NATO Peace troops.
A different conflict was between China and America, as China had different interests than the US, but both needed each other as trade partners. So they did a special agreement for the Asian-Pacific region. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC, should give Washington and Peking a lasting cooperating structure.
International Relationship
Today the US has almost to all 190 nations on earth diplomatic relationships and is member in more than fifty international organisations. They are a member with an important role in the security council of the UN, in the World Trade Organisation and founder as well as main power of the strongest military treatment on, the NATO.
Military Posts
Outside of the North American Continent the most military posts are in Europe. The strongest contingents are in Germany with the European Command in Stuttgart and US Army Europe in Heidelberg. In 38 other countries are American posts: Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrai, Belgian, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Great Britain, Honduras, Island, Italy, Japan, Kenai, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Nether land, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippians, Portugal, Saudi-Arabian, Serbian, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, the United Arabia Emirate.
Of the Naval forces operates the first fleet in Atlantic, the third in Pacific, the fifth in Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and Red Sea, the sixth in Mediterranean and the seventh in West Pacific.
Military posts are present on every continent. So America the biggest military power on the globe. Therefore the US has the opportunity to intervent quickly in every conflict. Through all the posts, esp. with those in the oil regions, America has the possibility to control the world economy.
In the nineties the Americans didn't concentrate on war. The turbo capitalism (NEW Economy) made people easyly reach. The Americans were busy enough with there own personal expansion; they weren't interested in other conflicts. Bin Laden and his organisation directly wanted to attack this capitalism. Capitalism of the western countries has a big disadvantage: it exploits the third world. Bin Laden hit America and the Capitalism straight in the heart. Al-Qaida could not find a better capitalistic symbol than the Twin Towers in New York. With 9-11 everything changed. "The twin doctrines of deterrence and containment, which had served America well during the cold war, would no longer suffice. In future, the U.S. military would have to act before threats fully materialized." Directly after the attack President George W. Bush declared to fight against any terrorism. The world economy broke down. President George W. Bush also defended to use "pre-emptive" war against any terrorism. Within 17 months George W. Bush fought two wars in Middle East, them against Critics compare Bush with Truman but there is one main difference. Bush questions all alliances and treatments of the world before 9.11 The Bush administration does not set its priorities on alliances - on the contrary, since 9.11 these are questioned - loyalties, on the other hand, weigh stronger: "Who's not for me is against me."
This is the situation we have seen before the Iraq war. The US went its own way and didn't depend on the UNO or other diplomats. The majority outside the US had been against the war. "In fact, while the United States has the backing of a dozen or so governments, it has the support of a majority of the people in only one country in the world, Israel. If that is not isolation, then the word has no meaning."
Why the US and Britain attacked the Iraq is not really clear. Some say for oil - "To regain influence over the great Middle East oilfields, from which Western Companies were expelled four decades ago." - other say because of military interests, to rise economy, to protect America, to transfer democracy and freedom in the Iraq, geo-political interests or the rescue of Iraq. It is important to look at the specific reasons for this war. Every reason, that was mentioned, somehow reflects a personal expansion of America.


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