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Bram stoker: a chronology (taken from: bram stokers dracula, penguin classics, 1993)

1. Drama
2. Liebe

1847 Bram Stoker is born on 8 November in Dublin, to parents Charlotte and Abraham Stoker, the third of seven children.

1854-64 After long incapacitating childhood illness he attends private day school of Rev. William Woods in Dublin.

1864-70 Successful career at Trinity College, Dublin. Stoker becomes University athletics champion, unbeatable road walker and capped footballer. He is an active speaker at the Philosophical Society, which eventually makes him President. He graduates with Honours degree in Pure Mathematics.
1867 28 August he sees Henry Irving acting for the first time at Theatre Royal, Dublin, and he develops passion for theatre. He takes a week´s holiday in London.
1868 Deeply impressed by Walt Whitman´s Leaves of Grass, Stoker declares himself "a lover of W. Whitman"
1871 In November Stoker writes his first unpaid theater review for Dublin Mail, the first of many.
1873-74 Stoker becomes (part-time) editor of the short-lived Halfpenny Press.
1875 Stoker´s first horror story published. "The Chain of Destiny" appears in the Shamrock in four serial parts.
1876 14 February Bram writes again to Whitman, enclosing his first letter. Whitman replies on 6 March. (See Appendix a for correspondence.) Irving plays Hamlet at Theatre Royal, Dublin. After Stoker´s momentous meeting with the actor on 3 December, they become friends. Stoker is promoted to Instector of Petty Sessions.
1877 June: Irving gives reading at Trinity College; thirteen days later Stoker spends annual holiday seeing Irving at Lyceum Theatre, London, meeting him most days. Late November, Irving performs two-week season in Dublin, playing Hamlet, Richard III and Mathias in The Bells. On November 22 Stoker writes `London in view!` in his diary.
1878 Stoker visits and assists Irving at Lyceum to rewrite Willi´s play Vanderdecken. August: Irving gives reading for charity in Dublin, lodging with surgeon William Stoker, Bram´s older brother. In mid-November Stoker accepts Irving invitation to become his acting (i.e. business) manager at the Lyceum Theatre, which he has acquired. Bram Stoker leaves the Civil Service and marries 20-year-old Florence Balcombe on 4 December at St. Ann´s Church, Dublin. He joins Irving on tour in Birmingham on 9 December. Ellen Terry joins Irving company as Ophelia for opening of Hamlet on 30 December.
1878-1905 Stoker works as Irving`s business and tour manager.
1879 Publishes The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland. 29 December: Florence gives birth to Noel, the Stoker` only child.
1881 In the autumn he organizes the first provincial tour of Irving and Ellen Terry. November: publishes collection of children`s stories Under the Sunset.
1883 In October he manages Irving`s first tour of the United States of America. In Philadelphia Stoker meets Whitman at the house of a mutual friend.
1885 Second American tour. On 28 December Stoker gives lecture at the Royal Institution, `A Glimpse of America`.
1886 In October he visits USA to arrange tour of Faust for 1887. Pays Walt Whitman a visit at Camden, New Jersey, his last. `a Glimpse of America` published.
1889 The Snake`s Pass appears as a serial story in the People and several other provincial papers.
1890 On 8 March Stoker makes first notes for what will become Dracula. 30 April he is called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, and that night at the Lyceum he meets Hungarian scholar and traveller Arminius Vambéry. Spends summer holiday at Whitby. In November The Snake´s Pass appears as a book.
1893 Spends first of many holidays at Cruden Bay. In September the Irving Company embarks on extensive tour of Canada and the USA.
1895 January, The Watter`s Mou published as companion volume to Arthur Conan Doyle`s The Parasite. September, Irving company undertakes fifth American tour, during which Stoker meets and becomes admirer of Theodore Roosevelt. In October The Shoulder of Shasta is published.

1897 Dracula is published in June.
1898 In February Miss Betty appears. The same month the Lyceum Storage burns down, destroying all the Irving company`s scenes and props.
1901 In April Constable publish a sixpenny paperback edition of Dracula abridged by stoker.
1902 In july the Irving company plays ist last performance at the Lyceum. The same month Stoker`s The Mystery of the Sea is published and found to be `admirable` in a congratulatory note sent by Conan Doyle. In December Ellen Terry leaves the Irving company.
1903 The Jewel of the Seven Stars is published in November.
1905 In September The Man is published. The following month, while on his farewell tour at Sheffield, Irving collapses and dies. Stoker suffers a stroke laying him unconscious for twenty-four hours.
1906 Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving (2 vols) is published in October.
1908 Stoker`s interview with Winston Churchill is published in the Daily Chronicle an 15 January. Lady Athlyne appears in June.
1909 Snowbound: The record of a Theatrical Touring Party published in February. The Lady of the Shround appears in July.
1911 Famous Imposters published in january, The Lair of the White Worm in November.
1912 Bram Stoker dies on 20 April at 26 St George`s Square, London, and is later cremated at Golders Green Crematorium, where his ashes remain.


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