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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The characteristics of nationalsozialism (am beispiel die welle (the wave))

1. Drama
2. Liebe

The nationalsozialism is made of: > - the antimarxsism, a spezial kind of Antikommunism

- the antikommunism, an intellect thing

- the antisemitism, a racsim phenomenon

- and the antibolschewism, a political thing

At first the antimarxism,

this variety of the antikommunism is one politicl disturbance, which was spread over different period spaces of time in variable ways. Usually antimarxism can go from the rejection of groups which are interested in the theories of Marx, till to the aktive focible pursuit of marxistish people. For that I have to say, that Marx did theories like everyone is equivalent.

I couldn't find this characteristic of the nationalsozialism in "The Wave", because I think, things like that would only happened if "The Wave" becomes a more powerful organisation and it must have members in all of the country.

The antikommunism,

is a intellect thing, which is against the unreal antikommunism and the real antikommunism. In the antikommunism everyone is equivalent and everything belongs to everybody.

You can find this characteristic of the nationalsozialism in the book, but only in a short scene. Mr Ross gave everybody a littel paper and above some was a little red "X". The pupils, who had this "X" were higher members of "The Wave". But they did not do anything for becoming this high member in the organisation, they were only choosen by someone.

Than there was the antibolschewism.

It was more political, because they were against the proportion becoming established in a country, which means, that they do not want to become everyody getting equal rights. The antibolschewism is only a radikal form of the antisemitism, which I will explain next.

In the book you find the antibolschewism, when the members of "The Wave" do not want to have the young boy in their organisation.

One of the most important characteristics of the nationalsozialism is the antisemitism, which is also called antijewdism.

The history of the antisemitism: The word came from Wilhelm Marr, who

invented it in 1897, to show the hate of some people or hole nations against the Jews or other minoretys, because even the Romans have hunted the Jews. In the Middle Ages, in year 1096 thousends of Jews were killed and their villages were rooted out. In this time the hate against the Jews developed from Christian religion convince, so the Jews were made responsible for natural disasters, famines and epidemics.

In 1348 a big plague disastroused europe, which was represented as the revenge of god, because the Christian hadn't killed all Jews in their middle, they thought. This was why the Jews already had to live in ghettos those days and they had to show their nationality with special clothes. In spite of this, not covered reason, the Katholiks called the Jews till 1960 "Chrisesmurderer". Another plot against the Jews is the Nazis ones, where many Jews died. In the book is only one scene, where you can see the prejudice against the little boy, who wanted to become a member of "The Wave", but the members of "The Wave" didn't want him to come in their organisation.


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