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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

How the savage comes to london, and how bernhard is sent to an island

1. Drama
2. Liebe

The whole drama begins when Bernhard flies for a few days with Lenina to the savage reservation. There they see (in our opinion) normal people, born people. They are Indians, they are living in huts ["'But how can they live like this?' she (Lenina) broke out in a voice of indignant incredulity. (It wasn't possible.)"] , and Bernhard and Lenina see religious ceremonies and then they meet John ( "'You are civilised, aren't you? You come from the Other Place, outside the Reservation?'"). He leads them to his and his mother's hut.
John talks with Bernhard about the life in the reservation and his problems here, and Bernhard tells him about London and the civilised world. After all Bernhard decides to take the Savage and his mother to London. "'O brave new world that has such people in it'."
As the savage comes to London, he doesn't like it so much as he had thought. "'But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.' [...] 'I'm claiming the right to be unhappy.'"(p. 187). But nothing of that he can get in the "Brave new world".
His mother dies in his arms in the Park Lane Hospital for the Dying. At the same time a group of children is in the hospital to learn that death is nothing to fear of. They run around the beds, they cry and they make fun of the dying.
As John walks out of the hospital, full of hate and anger and sadness, also two Delta "Bokanovsky Groups of 84 red- headed female and 78 dark dolichocephalic male" twins all in all come out of the building to get their daily soma ration. Suddenly the Savage gets mad, takes the soma for the distribution and throws it away and cries : "'Don't take that horrible stuff. It's poison, it's poison. [...] Free, free!'". When Bernhard and his best friend come to the place of the happening, they find John fighting with the Deltas. Bernhard calls for help, and his friend fights with the Savage against the Deltas.
The police comes and all three are brought to the office of Mustapha Mond, the controller of London. After a long talk Bernhard and his friend are sent to an island, where all those people are sent who think differently. John can go home to his apartment.
The savage loves Lenina, and Lenina loves John, but he thinks he isn't worth her. So one day when Lenina wants to sleep with John, he gets crazy and decides to flee. He goes to an old wooden house, which is standing alone on the field, to pray, to live in freedom and to train himself in discipline. But soon he is found by reporters, who are interested in his doings and suddenly everything gets out of control. In the end he hits them with a whip and drives them away. The next day the journalists find the Savage dead. He has committed suicide.


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