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Appearances of the "american dream" in "death of a salesman"

1. Drama
2. Liebe

Comparing to the definition of the "American Dream", several aspects are fulfilled in this play to say that it is dealing with this theme.
At the name of the protagonist, Willy Loman has to be mentioned.
If you compare the pronounciation to the spelling, there is no difference:
Loman is pronouced the same way as low man, which does not have the meaning of a name any more, but describes a person in a low social position.
And this is what Miller wanted and what is in some aspects is what the "American Dream" is about: to become whealthy and a member of the higher society out of a low position.
This vision dominated Willy Loman´s life in such a strong way that he was ready to die for it, as he wanted his vision to become reality. But he was never able to put it into reality and that is why he always tried to push his sons, espicially Biff in this role of the succeeding business man.
He has choosen Biff because he is a person who is liked by others and who he himself loves more of his two sons. But Biff never wanted to be pushed into this role, he always wanted his own farm and he just played the game of being the son his father always wanted him to be because he knew how tired of life his dad is. So he tried to bring his father´s vision into reality but he also failed like his father did all his life.
This is what Willy gave the idea of being responsible for his son and trying with everything he could affort to make his vision at least in his son become reality. This is what the American Dream also is about: taking care of one´s family and trying to help them whenever possible thorugh the mean of the chance of personal fulfilment.
Willy always had the dream, but not the will and the strenght to put his vision into reality. That is why he tried to push his sons in the role of the successful business men.
But in Willy´s mind the vision of being a member of the higher society is more important than his own life and this is why he regards his death as the only possible chance for his son Biff to build up his own business and to get those things, he himself never had.
So "Miller points out that "even the death, the ultimate negative", can be "an assertion of bravery. "
This was, however, in Miller´s younger years and it is obvious to see that his oppinion has changed through the years. Later in his life, as he wrote "The last Yankee" he changed his own oppinion. This will be shown in the following comparism.


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