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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Death and his part in edgar allan poe´s short stories

1. Drama
2. Liebe

In many works of edgar Allan Poe the death plays an important part. Poe is interessted disclose the secret of the death. In some of his short stories he tried to know how somebody felt when he or she is going to die. If somebody is going to die, the person doesn´t feel bad and has no pains. Edgar Allan Poe talks often about death, maybe because many people in his family died rather young. Also the fact that many people died from tuberculosis, also called "The red death", he digests in short stories like "The Masque of the Red Death", in which he describes the illness as a danger for everyone.
The death fascinated Poe very much. He search in some of his stories for answers, what happens after dying, whether we are going to be born again or if everything is past after death.
Edgar Allan Poe tried to search an answer more intensively than other people. It is bizarre. Nearly everyone tried to answer those questions but Poe wrote them down and tried to answer them inb his own ways.
The death has a big meaning for Poe, not only in his short stories, also in his own life.


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