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deutsch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Animal farm

1. Drama
2. Liebe

One night on a Farm called "Manor Farm" some animals decided to rebel against human control. After they had turned out the farmer Mr. Jones and the other men on the farm, the animals began to manage the farm. First Snowball, a pig, painted out "Manor Farm" from the top bar of the gate and in its place painted "Animal Farm". Snowball and a other pig called Napoleon made seven commandments in which they explained the principles of Animalism. All animals had to learn this commandments by heart and they had to say "Comrade" to every other animal on the farm . The animals produced their own food. Every Sunday they made a ceremony, in which they always sang a song called "Beasts of England".
Snowball didn´t work, because he busied himself with organising the other animals into which he called "Animal Committees" for example "Egg Production Committee" for the hens.
After a few weeks the news what had happened on the "Animal Farm" had spread across half countrie. One day Mr. Jones and other men came to the farm to get back the controll over the farm, but the animals won this big fight on the farm. After the fight the animals create a military.
In winter it had come to be accepted that the pigs should decide all questions of farm policy, though their decisions had to be ratified by a majority vote. Snowball worked out a complicated sheme for all the animals to drop their controversies. Snowball also wanded to build a windmill to make electricity. Napoleon argued that the great need of the moment was to increase food production. The animals seperated in two fashions under the slogans "Vote for Snowball and the three day week" and "Vote for Napoleon and the full manger". At the meeting on the following Sunday the questions of weather or not to begin work on the windmill was to put to the vote. Suddenly nine enormous dogs, wearing erass-studded collars, came bounding in. They turned Snowball out of the farm, because the dogs are reared privatly from Napoleon. From now on Napoleon was the leader of the farm.
All the years the animals worked like slaves. In August Napoleon indroduced a 60 hour week, and the animals had to work on Sunday. Any animal who absented itself from it, would have his rations reduced by half.
A Mr. Willingdon had agreed to act as intermediary between "Animal Farm" and the outside world. He visited the farm every Monday.
The windmill was almost half build now. One November night when the gale was so violent that the farm buildings racked on their foundations, the windmill broke down. Naboleon said to the other animals that snowball had damagged the windmill and every animal believed him. The animals began to rebuild the windmill. One day Boxer, a cart horse, couldn´t get up, because he had problems with his lung. After a few days Boxer was sent to the knacker. A cry of horror burst from all the animals when they heart about that, because they ment that Boxer came in to an animal hospital. The animals wanted to know why Napoleon had sent Boxer to the knacker. After a long describtion of Boxers death bed they believed Napoleon, that Boxer had died in the animal hospital.
Years passed. No one remembered the old days before the Rebellion. Mr.Jones and some animals were death. Snowball and boxer were forgotten.
Napoleon was now a mature borer of twenty four stone. The farm was more prosperous now, and better organized.
One day a desputation of neightbouring farmers had been invited to make a tour of inspection on the farm. In evening they drank alkohol with Napoleon in the farm house. All animals gazed in at the window, because everybody in the farmhouse was filled with beer.
Suddenly there was trouble in the farm house. The source of the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and a Farmer had each pluged an ace of spades simultaneously.
No question none, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man and from man to pig to man again, but already it was impossible to say which is which.


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