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recht artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

50% of legal occupational group affected with a mental dysfunction

1. Finanz
2. Reform

(A neuroscientific report can be put together. Cost would be negotiated.)
Our Artificial Intelligence (5GL-LISA), after studying about one hundred legal judgements and using input from special research, has found that 50% of Australian legal occupational group showed symptoms of a severe mental dysfunction. A mental dysfunction is an inability of the brain to work together as a unity. The reason is not just the tactic of \'ridicule\' which an unscrupulous barrister may use to win a case, its not their desire to twist reality to conform to their view - all these things can add up and cause the brain to become dysfunctional - but what was observed was an actual neurosis (the brain incapable of operating in the mode it is operating and as a consequence parts enter a shock state and functional structures break down and twist and \'weld together\') .
A brief summary of this report was placed by the Australian Medical Association on their files in 1994. Australia has a problem on its hands - an enormous problem - a problem those not qualified in medicine or neuroscience may not grasp and that makes this a tragedy. Medically (meaning science of the brain) the problem appears as an imbalance between the left and right cerebral hemisphere, an imbalance to the point at which a solicitor may sound like a University professor but has no comprehension what they are conveying. The energy resulting from the mode in which the brain thus operates causes the frontal brain\'s \"amusement, entertainment, and ridicule\" areas to create pathetic thought patterns during serious hearings. (Something along the same line can happen to the very old who for example may burst out laughing at a funeral, and later very distressed and upset they go to their doctor asking why they laughed. The reason is a dysfunctional brain response - when the brain can no longer correctly route certain energy flowing across it, grief can become laughter - and similarly in the mentally dysfunctional barrister and judge common sense and logic and reason and the natural feeling for truth and intelligence may become ridicule and twisting of facts to fit into a dysfunctional frame-of-mind.)

Interest point: Out of curiousity, I once contacted a number of legal bodies asking about the procedure to remove from the bench a mentally ill judge. Apparently there is no way. Mental illness is like any other disorder and can happen to anyone - but alas those who wrote the Australian-Anglo-Saxon constitution never understood such things, to the men of old the Anglo-Saxon judges were servants of the Queen and infallible, and to make certain this was always so they defined their own medical definition of \'insanity\' - fascinating!!!!!! That\'s like asking Jack the Ripper what proper surgical procedures are!

Interest point: SOLICITORS speak the language of \"law\" - the Anglo-Saxon legal system in our country has no ability to understand \"English\" per se, it understands almost every English word as defined by legal precedents. You look up in the dictionary to see what a word means, the legal culture looks up what a word means in \"legal precedents\". I once spoke to a solicitor about a person who was accused of a particular offence and I replied, \"he can\'t be guilty, what he said in this sentence says to me that he experienced paranoia and as a neuroscientist I know that a guilty person can not experience this type of paranoia.\" The solicitor was not interested - he was acting against the person in question - and was happy to admit that truth and facts are not really what Anglo-Saxon courts are very much about and the opposition did not have the funds to employ neuroscientists as expert witnesses to give evidence. (Advice to you: if you are ever accused of anything you did not do, always but always ask for a lawyer because you being innocent is not a serious issue - no one wants to know truth per se - in an adversary legal system what matters is whether the opposition can persuade a judge that you could be guilty.)

Any man or woman who spends ten years of their life trying to be \'objective\' and \'impartial\' as the legal profession tries, may damage the brain in some way (some damage being less serious than other damage). The human brain is not a machine and can not think in a way which does not use subjective reasoning because if it does over a long period the brain will damage itself and parts of the brain will begin to form tight magnetic fields which if not broken will turn parts of the brain into liquid and other parts into robot-like perceptions of life.
Ask any University graduate over 30 years old what they think of lawyers and chances are they come back with, \"stupid bloody things, its like talking to brick walls! Mental regression is what happens to them at University\". Perhaps that\'s not far from truth - to learn law, you have to think how men a long time back thought (because you have to interpret law within the constitution and precedents) and that can be a silly thing to do, (on a continual basis), because it regresses.
The British colonial legal system which is what Australia is for now stuck with is an \"adversary\" system - it is not about justice per se, it is not about truth or facts per se, it is about winning. The intention is \'winning\' and only \'wininng\' (sure, there are Law Reform Commissions about but they don\'t listen to you, they have no authority to listen to the people, they only listen to the Attorney Generals.)

Interest point: Officers in the Attorney General\'s Department have been found mentally dysfunctional to the point of asking the Australian Federal Police to investigate a letter that explained it was medical research and explained what can happen to a person under pressure - the lawyer in question took it as a personal threat and insisted the AFP arrest the person who wrote the letter!


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