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Violent juveniles should not be tried as adults:

1. Finanz
2. Reform

Placing juveniles in the adult criminal justice system puts youths at risk for abuse and fails to reduce crime.
It is estimated that every day 2700 babies are born into poverty, more than 2000 students drop out of school, 250 kids are arrested for violent crimes, and 1700 are abused by their parents.
While schools, jobs and the social safety net continue to erode, more kids are finding themselves caught up in an ever - expanding criminal justice system.

. Unemployment among teens was 19% in 1993, up from 15.3% five years earlier - and for black youths, the figure was twice that high. For those who do find jobs, the average hourly wage has fallen nearly 10% since the mid-1980s.
. In 1992, there were 14.6 million children living below the poverty line, about 5 million more than 1973.
. In 1993, there were 3 million victims of child abuse, a rate 50 percent higher than in 1985. Studies also indicate taht the majority of prisoners were abused as children.
. Teen suicide rates increased nearly 20 percent during the 1980s.

In recent years, most states have made it easier to try juvenile killers as adults. Ignoring the immaturity of a 15- or 16-year old, lawmakers have accepted the idea that murder is an adult crime and thus deserves an adult punishment.

Especially in America, gangs are the foundations of violence and crime.


Today a gang can defined in four basic ways:
* an organized group with a leader
* a unified group that usually remains together during peaceful times as well as times of conflict
* a group whose members show unity through clothing, language, hair...
* a group whose activities are criminal or threatening to the larger society.

Gangs are one of the results of poverty, discrimination and urban deterioration.
Some experts believe that young people, undereducated and without access to good jobs, become frustrated with their lives and join gangs as an alternative to boredom, hoplessness and devastating poverty.

It was not until the 19th century that \"criminal\" gangs were first formed. As the result of a worsening economy and growing population that increased competition for jobs, gangs began to specialize in crime and became a part of America\'s cities.

After the Civil War in 1865 New York indicates a large presence of Jewish, Italian, African-American and Irish gangs. With the increase of immigrant populations the gang membership grew.
Chinese gangs appeared in California in 1850, Philadelphia became home to over 100 street gangs in 1870, for example.
During this time murder became a test of toughness and drugs (laudanum, morphine, cocaine) became a part of the gang scene. The level of violence escalated.
It\'s unbelieveable that a gang of Five Points used murder as a membership requirement. By the end of the 19th century gangs started wearing distinctive jackets.

In the early 19ths the U.S. economy got worse, the population grew rapidly and the gap between the rich and poor widened. All across the nation gangs appeared where poor, hopless people lived.
The beginning of the 20th century also brought a widespread use of firearms with it.

THE 1920s:
In 1920 there were about 1300 gangs in Chicago and more than 25000 members. Gang warfare in Chicago was widespread and fighting took place along ethnic, cultural and racial lines.

After World War II gang membership:

1.) became younger
2.) fire-arms were used more often
3.) the structure of organization became more rigid
4.) drug dependence grew
5.) and society became concerned with gangs as a social problem and worked toward

THE 1950s:
During the 1950s gang fighting rose highly in cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and Cleveland. Gang members were usually in their teens. Codes of dress (black leather jackets were popular) and mannerisms were important means of identification. Body language said a lot about the nature of the gang.When a gang decided to become a fighting gang, its members immedeately took on a different way of walking. Gang members used guns, knives and homemade weapons. Most common drugs were (alcohol), marijuana and heroin.
Usually they fought over girls. Gang members believed it was essential to protect the honour of their girlfriends. And in the late 1950, girl gangs, a bit similar to boy gangs , were formed.
In order to combat the rise of violence, oranizations like the New York City Youth Board sent social workers into the slums to form relationships with the gangs. In some cases it worked; in many it did not.

THE 1960s:
In the 60s gang violence declined, but drug use escalated. Where there was more drug use there was less gang violence. A new racial consciousness had its effect on local street gangs.

Since the 1980s, as the ghettos become more and more overcrowded, a gang\'s territory has become no more than a single corner or a block. Guns decide arguments quickly and gang wars today are usually fought like guerilla warfare with shooting from roofs and quick shots from speeding cars. Gangs are found in all 50 states and come from many backgrounds. Members are still usually male, between the ages 13 and 24.

Gangs are still largely populated by young people from disenfranchised neighbourhoods. Characteristic features are overcrowding, high unemployment, high drop out rates, lack of social services and a general feeling of hopelessness.
Some experts estimate that more than 80% of gang members are illiterate and find it nearly impossible to get a job.
Young people turn to gangs to earn a living through drug trafficking, illegal weapons sales, robbery and theft. Some young people join gangs to gain the protection and the respect they do not get at home. Or they may join gangs because all their friends are doing it as well, it semms like a natural thing to do. Some experts say that young people from troubled homes attempt to find substitute families in gangs.

Gang structure varies. The largest gangs, some with 2000 members break up into smaller groups called clubs and cliques. Clubs bring more territory to a gang, cliques assemble new gang members and unite them along similar interests (street fighting, burglary).

Some gangs operate informally, the leadership is falling to whoever takes control. Other gangs have distinct leaders and highly structured gangs have officers. The president might direct the gang\'s business dealings and the vice president might keep members in line, overseeing the gang\'s communication network (including car phones, walkie-talkies, pagers and beepers).
Gang members use these devices to coordinate drug deals and to protect themselves from arrest. The \"warlord\" keeps order at gang meetings, plans fights against rival gangs and controls the gang\'s arsenal.

Although there are no easy solutions to the gang problem, sociologists and social workers have some ideas:

1.) Create jobs for young people.
2.) Develop community programs in the arts, sports.....
3.) Make sure young people receive a good education.
4.) Create alternate living situations for children who cannot stay at home.
5.) Society as a whole must look at problems of poverty and discrimination.
6.) Young people can do their part by being open to alternative activities.
7.) Against all prejudices young people should appreciate cultural differences.
8.) Provide counseling services for families and young people.


Top Themen / Analyse
indicator Höhe der Sozialversicherung:
indicator Was ist ICANN?
indicator Die Verhältniswahl:
indicator Abschluss eines Rechtsgeschäftes / Kaufvertrag über bewegliche Sache
indicator Tarifvertragsparteien
indicator Europäische Atomgemeinschaft (EURATOM)
indicator Gastarbeiter
indicator Durch Multimedialität und Interaktivität aufgeworfene Probleme
indicator Aktives Reueverhalten als eigenständige Sanktionsform
indicator Auflösung (1930-1933)

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