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recht artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The crown

1. Finanz
2. Reform

The reigning monarch is not only head of the state but symbol of the unity of the nation. The monarchy is Britain´s oldest secular institution, ist continuitty for over a thousand years broken only once ba a republic that lasted a mere of eleven years (1649 - 1660).
The monarchy is hereditary, the succession passing automatically to the oldest male child, or in the absence of males, to the oldest female offspring of the monarch. By Act (or law) of Parliament, the monarch must be a Prostestant. Succession is automatic on the death of the monarch, confirmed later by a formal coronation ceremony.
For example, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in the year 1953, took place over a year after she became queen.
In law the monarch is head of the executive and of the judiciary, head of the Curch of England and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, however since 1689 the Crown is only sovereign by the will of Parliament.

The remaining powers of the monarch are basically to summon, prorogue (or to suspend until the next session) and to dissolve Parliament; to give royal assent to legislation passed by Parliament; to appoint government ministers, judges, officers of the armed forces, governors, diplomats and bishops of the Curch; to confer honours, such as peerages and knighthoods; to remit sentences passed on convicted criminals; and finally to declare war on or to make peace with an enemy power.
In practice, of course, she is free to decide herself, the monarch dicharges all these functions on the direction of the government
Nevertheless, the function of the monarch is politically important.


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