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  • The strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde:

    -Narrative process: Firts there´s a third-person narrator until the end where Dr. Lanyon and Dr. Henry Jekyll give their full statement of the strange case. All of the narrators seem to be reliable because they are highly educated lawyers and doctors and in this jobs they have to be honest and reliable. -Characters: All the characters in the story are sense-isolated. They have no wives, no families and no close friendships. They have servant ...


  • Kidnapped:

    -Narrative process: There is a first-person narrator in the character of David Balfour who is the hero of \"Kidnapped\". He is reliable because he is fully involved in all the actions during the story. -Characters: David Balfour: David is representing lowland Scotland - mercantile , canny , Hanoverian and Whiggish, law-abiding and Presbyterian. He seems to be the conventionalized first-person narrator, the universal representative, t ...


  • The master of ballantrae:

    -Narrative process: The narrator is the servant Mr. Mackellar, who enjoyed a lot of confidence of all of the Duries. That´s why he seems to be really reliable and also the fact that he was part of some of the actions makes the impression that he writes the truth. He shows that it is kind of a report of the actions at Durrisdeer and that he wants to show the real characters of the family. In the second chapter Chevalier de Burke toook over the ...


  • Robert louis stevenson: "die schatzinsel"

    Robert Louis Stevenson, geboren am 13. November 1850 , schrieb im Laufe seiner 44 Lebensjahre etliche Piraten- und Südseeerzählungen, darunter Romane wie "Meister von Ballantrae", "Der seltsame Fall des Doktor Jekryll und des Herrn Hyde" und "Die Schatzinsel"- die Bekannteste und sogleich Berühmteste von ihnen. R. L. S. (mit dieser Abkürzung wurde er später immer wieder genannt) wuchs in Edinburgh auf, wo er während seiner Kindheit immer wied ...


  • Biographie robert musils

    - * 6.11.1880 in Klagenfurt - Vater (Alfred Musil) studierte Maschienenbau, ab 1890 Lehrer an der TH in Brünn - Mutter (Hermine) Tochter eines Technikers = Familie stand der Literatur fern - nach den ersten Schuljahren in Steyr folgt mit 11 Jahren Landesoberrealschule in Brünn, dann mit 12 Jahren (wegenSpannungen mit Mutter) Militärunterrealschule in Eisenstadt, dann mit 14 Jahren die Militäroberrealschule in Mährisch - Weißkirc ...


  • Robert musil: die verwirrungen des zöglings törless

    Hauptwerke - während Beziehung zu einfachem Mädchen° entsteht 1902 - 1905 \"Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless\" (erster und einziger Erfolg) (weiteres s. u.) - M.s umfangreichstes Werk \"Die Schwärmer\" und einige seiner Erzählungen handeln von Ehebrüchen (Handlung, Erzählung oder Dramatik kaum zu finden) sind Empfindungs- und Gedankenanalysen - in seinem Hauptwerk \"Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften\" sind die oben genannten Problemb ...


  • Die wichtigsten daten

    - geboren am 6.11.1880 in Klagenfurt - Sohn eines Waffenfabrikdirektors und späteren Hochschulprofessors - Militärerziehungsanstalt - wurde Offizier danach Studium Maschinenbau - Studium Philosophie, Psychologie und Mathematik in Berlin - Im 1. Weltkrieg Hauptmann an der Italienfont - Ab 1922 freier Schriftsteller - 1925 Beginn mit dem umfangreichen Roman: Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften an dem Musil bis zu seinem Tod arbeitete - 1938 Emigr ...


  • Erläuterungen

    Musil schrieb den Roman Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törless während seines Philosophiestudiums 1903-06. Es war der erste und einzige wirkliche Publikumserfolg Musils. Das technisch - mathematische Studium und die Philosophie prägten den Roman entscheidend. Das Leben von Musil zeigt durchaus Parallelen zum Buch: So spielt der ganze Roman in einer Erziehungsanstalt was Musil aus eigener Erfahrung kennt. Viele Konflikte auf die Musil i ...


  • Inhalt robert musil: die verwirrungen des zöglings törless

    Die Erzählung beginnt am Bahnhof irgend einer abgelegenen kleinen Stadt. Törless begleitet mit seinen Kollegen seine Eltern an den Bahnhof. Doch die Stimmung ist gedrückt, den Törless' Eltern fahren wieder nach hause und nun heisst es Abschied nehmen. Auch die Eltern sind traurig denn er ist ihr einziges Kind. Das ganze begann vor vier Jahren: "Wohl um die aufwachsende Jugend vor den verderblichen Einflüssen einer Grossstadt zu bewahren", wurde ...


  • Robert penn warren: the author and his times

    Huey P. Long, known as \"The Kingfish,\" controlled Louisiana politics for some ten years, until he was assassinated in 1935. He was the law, he was above the law--he ruled with the force of royalty through an effective political machine while serving as governor of the state (1928-31) and U.S. Senator (1931-35). But just as Humpty Dumpty in the nursery rhyme toppled off his perch, so did Robert Penn Warren\'s fictionalized Huey Long, Willie St ...


  • All the king's men: the plot

    Willie Stark, a young politician in an impoverished area of an unidentified Southern state, suddenly rises to prominence as a result of a local tragedy. He had previously warned everyone that the contractor for the new schoolhouse had a reputation for using inferior bricks. But no one listened. Now, the building had collapsed, killing three children. Willie\'s unwavering conviction that the local politicians were in collusion with the contracto ...


  • All the king's men: willie stark

    Is Willie Stark the people\'s messiah or a dangerous dictator, a tragic hero or a smooth-tongued tyrant? Does he deserve to be assassinated? How you answer these questions will, in part, influence the meaning that the novel holds for you. And how you answer may also say as much about you as it says about Willie. Do you prefer to put fictional characters into the neat categories of hero and villain? Or do you prefer to see portrayals of life wit ...


  • All the king's men: jack burden

    Jack Burden is the narrator of All the King\'s Men. He is supposedly telling Willie\'s story. Yet, you will begin to sense, after reading several chapters, that Jack is using Willie\'s story as a vehicle for clarifying the meaning of his own life. Warren says that he chose Jack as the narrator because he is one of the empty, powerless people who need a character like Willie to bring them to life. Also, because Jack is intelligent and perceptive ...


  • All the king's men: sugar-boy o'sheean

    Sugar-Boy, a sugar cube-eating Irishman, is the first character you meet. He is Willie\'s driver and bodyguard. He can drive a Cadillac with great speed and agility, and he\'s a deadly accurate target shooter. Beyond that, he stutters, appears to be mentally retarded, and is dominated by one emotion--intense loyalty to Willie. ...


  • All the king's men: tiny duffy

    When you first meet Tiny Duffy, he is Willie Stark\'s lieutenant governor, the second in command of the state. Later you discover that he was one of the men who deceived Willie during Willie\'s first campaign for governor. Willie, however, wooed Tiny away from another political camp and made Tiny his chief lackey. Tiny has no loyalty to any political faction--he seeks his own selfish interests and will grovel, if that\'s what it takes, to maint ...


  • All the king's men: lucy stark

    Most of all Lucy, Willie\'s wife, wants to be a good mother and a good wife. She supports Willie\'s political ambitions but appears uncomfortable in the role of governor\'s wife. When she can no longer tolerate seeing what politics has done to Willie and what football stardom has done to their son, she returns to farm life, leaving Willie to his political and sexual intrigues. Yet, she doesn\'t divorce Willie. Like most other Southern women of ...


  • All the king's men: tom stark

    Willie adores Tom, his only child. But his love blinds him. Unlike Lucy, he doesn\'t see that Tom is becoming an unbearably arrogant young man. Once Tom becomes the star quarterback of the state university football team, he cannot stay out of trouble. His father, however, always comes to his aid. By refusing to discipline Tom, Willie widens the rift between Lucy and himself. Finally, one of Tom\'s sexual escapades requires Willie to put his rep ...


  • All the king's men: sadie burke

    Sadie is always in love with politicians who never marry her. She came from the wrong side of the tracks and will never let anyone forget it. She can curse as well as anyone, and, all in all, she puts on a good show. But behind the mask of a tough, no-nonsense career woman, she desperately wants someone to love her, and for most of the novel she wants that someone to be Willie. She is both Willie\'s personal secretary and his mistress. With a k ...


  • All the king's men: judge irwin

    When Jack was growing up, Judge Irwin lived down the street and taught the boy to ride, shoot, and hunt. As Jack says, the Judge was like a father to him. Why, then, as an adult working for Governor Stark, does Jack pursue his research into the Judge\'s past? How can he betray a lifelong friend? Unlike Jack, the Judge is unswervingly loyal to friends and to tradition. A brilliant man, he has had a distinguished political career--except for one ...


  • All the king's men: jack's mother

    Whenever Jack visits his mother, he is torn between enjoying her attention to him and experiencing hostility toward her. Some readers believe that Jack\'s ambivalent feelings for his mother are indicative of an Oedipus complex, the unconscious desire of a son to be attached to his mother. When Ellis Burden abandoned six-year-old Jack and his mother, Jack concentrated all his affections on his mother. But she remarried, bringing first one stepfa ...



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