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  • Fahrenheit 9/11

    (Michael Moore) Michael Moore: He was born in 1954 in Flint/Michigan. He worked as a journaliste for "The Flint Voice" for 10 years. In 1989 at the age of 22 he publiced the documentation called "Roger and me". He also produced and hosted famous TV-Shows like "The Awful Truth" and "The Big One". His best-known book is " ...


  • Melbourne

    Hello everybody. I'd like to talk to you about Melbourne. Melbourne is a very interesting city, and that's why I have chosen Melbourne for my presentation. I have divided my talk into few parts. First I'd like to give you a few facts about Melbourne. Then I'm going to talk about the history of Melbourne. Later I will say a few words about Melbou ...


  • Presidential elections 2000

    The political System of the US: Americas political system consists of three branches: Firstly the Legislative Branch, which itself is also divided into two different sections, namely the House of Representatives and the Senate. The House of Representatives consists of 435 Representatives, who are elected for a 2-year term. The Senate consis ...


  • Geography, climate and politics - australia

    Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770. The English King George III engaged Captain Cook that he should take possession of the east part of Australia. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It is in the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. The population is 19 million. In Australia live 2 - 3 person per km² this is not very much, ...


  • History of australia (handout, timetable)

    Timetable Until 16th century --> Aboriginals are the only human live form in Australia 1616 --> The Dutchman Dirk Hartog discovered Australia and landed on an offshore island in Western Australia. 1768 --> Captain James Cook left England on an expedition. He discovers Australia. 1770s --> Cook made two more voyages to Australia. ...


  • Australia beautiful land of wonder

    in general Australia is the world largest island, but the smallest continent.It is 7.7 million sq km big and only 16 million people life their. The Currency is the Australian dollar and the capital is Canberra . Australia is divided into eight federal states : New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western ...


  • History australia

    The first people came from Indonesia to Australia 60.000 years ago. Not before 1606 something important happened. Then the Dutchman William Jansz, who was the first European on Australian ground, arrived at the west-coast of Cape York. Australia was called "New Holland" now. In 1642 Abel Tasman, who was a Dutchman, too, discovered another island ...


  • Australia----

    In the late 18th century James Cook discovered Australia. English settlers came soon afterwards. At first Australia consisted of several prisoners` camps for dangerous criminals (murderers, arsonists, rapists...). The prisoners built barracks and they had to live there. But there were many dangerous animals (poisonous snakes and spiders) and di ...


  • Presidential election 2000 in usa

    The choice to 43. President of the USA characteristics of the choice system irregularities supplement - second countings left by knappe the election result of the presidency election on 7 November 2000, whose final exit remained open for weeks (see judgement US supreme of the Courts from 12 December 2000) ·However many can occur this and similar i ...


  • Australien - englisch g 2000 - unit 5 (???) + vokabeln

    120.000 BC Remains found in New South Wales suggest Aborigines are already living there 60.000 BC Pemberton: people with firesticks, hunted animals and burned land, changed land à more open, grassland; grass feed Kangaroos à good hunting 23.000 BC Australian technology leads the world, as tools found in the Northern Territory show 18.000 ...


  • Sights australia

    5.1 Canberra 5.1.2 Lake Burley Griffin The Lake Burley Griffin is named after Walter Burley Griffin and is in the middle of Canberra. The shoreline is 35km. 5.1.3 The Telstra Tower The most people visit the tower for the view. It's a spectacular view, day and night. The Telstra Tower is the compass of the city. The towe ...


  • Tasmania - australia

    Tasmania is sometimes called " The Apple Isle", as the climate is much cooler and milder than the rest of Australia , and excellent apples are grown there. The difference in climate is because Tasmania is the most southern state of Australia and, therefore, furthest from the Equator, and it is an island. It is separated from the mainland by Bass ...


  • Immigration in australia

    Short immigration history: - 1st immigration 1788àBritish colonization - 1851: Gold Rush, mid 1853: 60 000 diggers plus families arrived - 1945: post war migration, betw. 1945-60: 1,7 mill. Immigrants - since 1945: 6 mill. immigrants in total Policies: - 1949: non-discriminatory immigration policy replaced White Australian ...


  • Australia--

    World Heritage Parks, real Australian Outback, snow-capped ski fields, breathtaking beaches and coastlines, lush farming country and the dazzling city lights of Sydney; New South Wales has a lot to offer!! Against this superb backdrop you will find a network of adventure activities, historie country towns, arts and crafts, great dining, f ...


  • European settlement and its effects in australia

    Dutch, Spanish, French and British ships first sailed into Australian waters in the 16th and 17th centuries. The British continued to survey Australian territories into the 18th century. From 1768 to 1771 the British explorer James Cook surveyed many regions of Australia and when he landed on an island off the South-eastern coast, he claimed ...


  • History of the settlement of the aborigines in australia

    The history of native Australia goes back to a time 50,000 to 170,000 years ago. Today the population of Aborigines, a term which comes from the latin word \"aborigen\" meaning native, is about 380,000, making up about 2.3% of the Australian population as a whole and slightly more than the estimated aboriginal population of 350,000 at the ti ...


  • Autralian sheepfarming

    NEW SOUTH WALES World Heritage Parks, real Australian Outback, snow-capped ski fields, breathtaking beaches and coastlines, lush farming country and the dazzling city lights of Sydney; New South Wales has a lot to offer!! Against this superb backdrop you will find a network of adventure activities, historie country towns, arts and craf ...


  • The discovery and colonization of australia

    First "settlement" and first human activities There are really not many absolutly sure things to tell about the first settlement of Australia, so the first dates about human activities in australia are even not exact. After the archaeological things of the last years had been found, it´s clear that there were humans , surely 45000 years befor ...


  • Canberra

    is the capital of Australia. It's an own federal state, called Australian Capital Territory. It's situated 660 km north-east of Melbourne and 288 south-west of Sydney. The city was planned because of an argument between Sydney and Melbourne in which of those cities the seat of government is. So a garden architect, called Walter Burley Griffin ...


  • Us-wahl 2000

    Die Machtverhältnisse in den USA Der Präsident ist Staatsoberhaupt, Regierungs-Chef und Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte. Er hat sein Kabinett mit vielen Ministern, Bsp.: Aussen-, Innen- und Wirtschaftsminister. Die Legislative ist in Senat und House Of Representants aufgeteilt. Der Senat besteht aus je 2 Abgeordneten jedes Bundesstaates. ...



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