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  • The mission by robert bolt

    Robert Bolt was born in 1924. He was teacher until his first novel Flowering Cherry, which was successfull came out. His greatest success was A man for all Seasons. In 1961 he began the work with David Lean on Lawrence of Arabia. Their films together included the award winning Doc Zhivago and Ryan´s Daughter. 1977 appeared his film State of Revolution After a long period of illness he began to work for the screen in 1984.The resulting film ...


  • The moving finger by agatha christie

    After a flying accident, the pilot Jerry Burton from London is rather badly injured. That's why his doctor Markus Kent advises him to spend some time in the country in order to promote the healing process. Jerry and his younger sister Joanna, who wants to accompany and look after him, choose the villa Little Furze in Lymstock, a quiet little town. The house belongs to Miss Emily Barton who will be staying at a friend's, meanwhile. She leaves he ...


  • "animal farm" george orwell

    In his Novel "Animal Farm" George Orwell describes the taking over of a farm by the animals themselves and the decline of everything they had built up because of the leader's corruption. This fable is an allegory which is meant to represent the Russian Revolution and its effects. Animals in this book like Napoleon, Squealer and Boxer stand for real persons or for a certain class which had a roll in this overthrow in 1930s. Napoleon is supposed t ...


  • Tombstone by giles tippette

    The novel "Tombstone" was written by Giles Tippette. It is based on the script written by Kevin Jarre for the film of the same name. The story takes place in the south eastern corner of Arizona. It is a land made for the outlaws. People who live there do not earn enough in the desert with their cattle. So they steal it in Mexico. In this area a town grows - the town Tombstone. It is a silver-mining city. There is no real law although there ...


  • The old man and the sea by ernest hemingway

    Ernest Hemingway was born in Chicago in 1899 and was educated at public schools. He showed soon a noticeable talent for writing, and at the age of sixteen he became a junior reporter for a Kansas newspaper. His journalistic career was interrupted by the First World War, in which he served in France and Italy as an ambulance driver. After the War he stayed in Europe working as a correspondent for a Toronto newspaper. In Paris he met Ezra Pound, ...


  • The old man and the sea from ernest hemingway

    An old man fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream, but he had gone eighty-four days without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had always been with him. But after that the boy\'s parents had told him to go with a nother boat which was luckier. The boy was very sad about it but he had to obey. Each evening he went to the old man to help him carry the lines or the harpoon. The boy called Manolin also made sure that the old man ...


  • The outsiders by s.e.hinton

    Characters: - Ponyboy Curtis: He is 14 years old, has very good grades at school. He got put up a year in grade school. He likes movies and books, not so as his friends. He has light brown - almost red - hair. They are long at the front and sides and he is very proud of them. - Soda Curtis: He is 16 years old. He does never drink alcohol, although nearly everyone in the neighbourhood drinks. He dropped out of school. He isn\'t as strict to h ...


  • S.e. hinton - the outsiders

    MAIN CHARACTERS: Ponyboy (Pony) Curtis is fourteen years old. He has greenish-grey eyes and red hair, which is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs and it´s squared off at the back and long at the front and sides. He growned up with a gang, which is called Greaser. The boys from this gang live on the East Side and the are poor and from the middle class. Pony´s Mum and Dad were killed in a car crash. Ponyboy likes his second-oldest brother S ...


  • The outsiders (s.e. hinton)

    1) Describe the two gangs - Greasers and Socs: their looks, their ideas,...! The Greasers: have long hairs with greasers, haven't nice cloths, blue jeans, tennis shoes, are poor, have to earn money by working hard, from the east side of the town, have to work, the reputation is bad, more like a family  more emotional, stick together, although don't like each other, like to have fights, have own rules, tough and rough (hart und rau) ...


  • The outstation

    So far, he had completely changed, Borneo became his home. He learned to love the Malays and he became a good administrator. The only ties to good old England were letters to correspondents and six week old Times. The only things he was interested in were deaths, births and marriages. For a few days he kept a suspicious eye on his assistant and saw that he was very impolite to the native people but a good worker. As the Malays were very shy and ...


  • The pearl (by john steinbeck)

    Kino: Kino is not confident with his life. All he wants is to give his wife a better life and that that his son learns to read and write. He doesn´t want his son, Coyotito, to grow up in a strow hut as a poor. Juana: Juana, the wife of Kino, is confident with her life. She prefers living in a small village and her wish is to have a nice family, a healthy son and a satisfiet husband, so she always helps Kino and stands by his side. J ...


  • The pearl -

    The Plot: The parable "The Pearl" deals with a drastic incident in the life of Kino, a poor Indian fisherman, and his wife. The story is set in the little village "La Paz", which is situated on the coast of the Gulf on California. A new day begins and Kino awakens next to his wife Juana in their simple hut which is made of brush. The couple sleeps on mats on the dirt floor and their little son Coyotito sleeps in a hanging box. Kino is ha ...


  • The pearl john steinbeck

    John Steinbeck wrote this book. He was born in Salinas, California in 1902. He worked on the Stanford Universtity and as journalist. He wrote also some other books. The most famous ones are \"Tortilla Flat\" and \"Of Mice and Men\". He won the Nobel Prize in 1962. He died in New York in 1968. The main characters in the book are Kino, a young and strong man, Juana his wife, Coyotito their son and the doctor. Kino and Juana lived with the ...


  • The pearl by john steinbeck

    Author: \"The Pearl\" was written by JOHN STEINBECK, who was born in Salinas, California, in 1902. His first three books were financial failures, and he worked at various kinds of jobs to survive, including fruit picking. His first success was \"Tortilla Flat \" (1935), followed by a number of other works. His great masterpiece was \"The Grapes of Wrath\", which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. In 1962 Steinbeck was ...


  • The pelican brief -

    by John Grisham In a night of October two Judges, called Jensen and Rosenberg, are killed. There's the indication that both were killed by the same murderer. The whole city is in a tumult: Everybody wants to find the guilty person; On the one hand the "White House" (including FBI and CIA) to make impression on the citi ...


  • The pelican brief john grisham

    \"The Pelican Brief\" is a political thriller from John Grisham. It was published by \"Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc. / New York\" in 1992. Subject: In a cold october night two judges of the highest law-court are killed. A young law-student writes a file about her theory of the murders. But she doesn´t know how dangerous this file is for everybody who read it. So she also has to run for her life. Setting: The story tak ...


  • The physicists-

    The Physicists is a satiric play written by the Swiss author Friedrich Dürrenmatt about three physicists who are living in the private sanatorium \" Les Cerisiers \" headed by the last living member of an old regional aristocratic family, Miss Dr. h.c. Dr. med. Mathilde Von Zahnd. The first one thinks he is Sir Isaac Newton, but he is in reality Herbert Georg Beutler, the second one thinks he is Albert Einstein and his real name is Ernst Hei ...


  • The picture of dorian gray oscar wilde

    Personen Lord Henry Wotton: recht jung, Oberschicht, raucht viel, sehr zynisch und dadurch z.T. grob und verletzend, bringt unauffällig viele Weisheiten (?) (eher provozierende Thesen), viele seltsame Ansichten, man weiss nicht, ob er sie selbst glaubt, Harry genannt, findet seine Seele und die Emotionen anderer das faszinierendste im Leben, faszinierende Stimme, viele Paradoxe, beeinflusst gerne andere, frauenfeindlich, egoistisches Denke ...


  • The power of the past in the novel

    There is a big mystery around Gatsby`s past. The visitors of his parties love to chat about it, they love to spread wild rumours about his life and his career in illegal businesses. They really don`t care if he had a wealthy or a poor upbringing, the just like the idea of knowing a famous man. Gatsby doesn´t stop that gossip, he doesn`t tell much about himself besides people he gets to know better like Nick. And so Nick gets to know how much the ...


  • The prince and the pauper

    Tom Canty was very poor. He and his family were paupers. Tom Canty's father didn't want to work and he sent his three children out to beg money in the streets. They had to stand at the side of the road and say ,"Please give a penny to a poor child! "If they didn't bring money to John Canty in the evening he would beat them and give them no food. It was a very unhappy life for the children. Father Andrew lived in the same house. Tom went to sit ...



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