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  • Dr. martin luther king - i have a dream

    This speech was delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King before the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th, 1963 at the famous March on Washington, D.C., for Civil Rights. Be sure to check your local public library for biographical works on Dr. King. ---------------------------------------------------------- I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Fivescore ...


  • Dr. jekyll and mr. hyde-

    One day Mr. Utterson, who was a lawyer, and his cousin Richard Enfield walk around. They walk very often through London. Then they come to an old house and Enfield tells Mr. Utterson a story about an evil man who walked over a girl and the strange person had to pay 100 pounds. That man went into the house and brought a check with the signature of Dr. Jekyll. That was very strange to him that somebody brought a check of ano ...


  • "dracula" book report

    This book is a horror story written by BRAM STOKER. He was a famous horror book writter and he lived in England. The main setting of the book is Castle Dracula in the year 1875. in Transylvania. Another important setting is Hyt, a small village near the sea. The main characters are: Jonathan Harker: He is a lawyer, that means he looks for houses for people, who wants houses. He is the "hero\" of the story. Count Dracula: He is th ...


  • Draize-test

    This test has been especially designed for the testing of medical, cosmetical and chemical substances, but also for the testing of the end products, like creams, lipsticks, mascaras, face-lotion, soap, shampoos, powder, hairspray, toothpaste, lacquer, detergent and everything, which could perhaps touch one's skin someday somehow. The number of rabbits and other animals, which are killed by this procedure day by day, must be some millions. The ...


  • Cigarette tests

    Cigarettes are also "tested" by animals. Some years ago 86 dogs (race: beagle) were forced to smoke 455 cigarettes every day. This procedure took about one and a half year. After this time 12 of them got pulmonary cancer. Although this test doesn't say anything about the physical reaction of human smokers, it's still done with other animals. ...


  • Medicament tests (for people who have kidney trouble)

    A special kind of tube is inserted into the sheeps' neck-vein. Through this tube the sheep are connected with the dialysis machine. Different doses of test-medicaments are mixed into the blood. Then some blood-tests are performed. Athough a lot of sheep have repellent reactions like falling blood-pressure, difficulty of breathing, unrest, staggers and, of course, a lot of pain, the experiments are repeated seven times with changed conditions. ...


  • The effect of a closed artery

    In this experiment the necks of the mice are cut open in the middle, so that the blood-vessels of the neck lie open and now some are contracted with loops. A clamp is fixed temporarily at the inner artery of the neck so that the blood stream is stopped. After a cut into the other artery a tube is pushed forward to the brain, towards shut the middle cerebral artery. Some mice are infused a colouring substance into their hearts. A couple of minu ...


  • Some interesting facts about dreams

    On average you need 2 minutes to fall asleep. Most people dream 5 times a night, humans will have about 136,000 dreams in a lifetime, spending the equivalent of six years in a REM sleep dream state. Women usually dream much more passive than men do. Students who study and get some good REM sleep retain the information better and longer periods of time than students who study longer, but have no sleep. On average people chan ...


  • The history of dream research

    On average, we spend about one third of our lives sleeping. Events in dreams may seem disjointed, and the ordinary logic of cause and effect may disolve. Dream characters may flout the laws of physics or behave in ways that seem wildly out of character. Indeed, when the mind is freed of its normal shackles, dreamers can radically reshape themselves and everything around. Fantastical as the dreamscape may seem, however, it is not unfamiliar ter ...


  • The dreaming process: the 4 stages of sleep

    There are four stages of sleep in which the sleeping person sinks down: . Stage 1: The first stage of sleep is a very light sleep. Stage 1 usually lasts just a few minutes. If the sleeper is not disturbed by anyone or thing, he or she will quickly journey into stage 2 sleep. . Stage 2: This is much deeper sleep than stage 1. Dreams start to brew around here and although there are no clear images, vague thoughts and ideas drift through the ...


  • The 2 types of sleep

    There are 2 basic types of sleep: NREM, (non rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. NREM and REM sleep alternate during a normal sleep cycle. The beginning of sleep cycle is dominated by NREM sleep which gradually takes us into a deep state of unconciousness in which there is diminished brain activity, allowing blood to flow to muscles and organs. Researchers believe that during this period that the body has a chance to recove ...


  • More about the phenomenon: rem sleep

    In 1953 sleep researchers led by Nathaniel Kleitman made the important discovery of rapid eye movement - or REM sleep. Curious about th long-standing observation that the eyeballs of sleeping subjects, in both, humans and animals, periodically move during sleep, they connected sleeping laboratory subjects to equipment that measured their brain waves (yielding an electroencephalogram, or EEG), muscle tone (electromyogram, or EMG) and eye movemen ...


  • What causes dreams, anyway?

    Good question... Many different theories, nothing for sure. According to the Freudian school, dreams are the result of subconscious thoughts and desires. The other extreme attributes dreams to random \"noise\" in the neurons without special meaning. I do not agree with this last opinion, because I think that dreams really can tell us about ourselves. Some say that dreaming gives us a chance to cope with stress and other emotional crisis that ...


  • How long do dreams last?

    No one had ever tried timing a dream before, but many people had long subscribed to the opinion of French psycologist Alfred Maury, who postulated in 1861 that dreams were infinitesimally brief. It is also known as the popular 7-second-theory, but latest researches say that REM sleep periods, and therefore dreams, can even take 5 to 45 minutes. Anyway, time is one ot the perceptions that are heavily distorted in dreams. But a scientist called ...


  • Does everybody dream?

    Yes. Everybody dreams. Not only all humans, but in fact all mammals are shown to have REM sleep, which is associated with dreams. So if you think you don\'t dream you probably just don\'t remember. Adult humans spend as much as a quarter of their sleep time in REM, integrating the constant influx of new information and shifting in to longerterm memory. By contrast, birds, whose behavior is so reflexive that they have little need to store memor ...


  • How do external stimuli affect my dreams?

    Sensual \"input\" while sleeping is incorporated into dreams. Most notably, while sleeping, you hear as well as while waking - the ears are never turned off. This leads to the consequence that what you hear while sleeping, you will hear in your dreams. The sound is always coming from \"somewhere\". Common experiences of this kind are a telephone ringing or music from the radio. The same holds for the other senses. Note that it is not important ...


  • How do my dreams interact with my waking life?

    Dreams seem to be a way for the subconscious mind to sort out and process all the input and problems that are encountered in waking life. Therefore, a scientist could be working on a problem... say the structure of the DNA molecule. Then said scientist could have a dream in which he sees two snakes interwining in a double helix. When he wakes, he has discovered the structure of the DNA molecule. It was not \"a\" scientist. It was F.A. Kekeulé ...


  • Dream interpretation

    In the second century, a Greek named Artemidorus Daldianus compiled five volumes listing and attempting to interpret hundreds of events and items that appear in dreams. Recognizing how the dreamer\'s life would impinge on any interpretation, he well understood the difficulty of his task. Some 1,800 years later, researchers are still trying to catalog and analyze dreams - and the job has become no easier. Studies depend on what dreamers report ...


  • Why do i keep dreaming the same thing over and over?

    Recurrent dreams are a sign of thoughts that occupy the dreamer much, consciously or unconsciously. Such thoughts have influence on the dreams and they are often remembered better than \"random\" dreams since you somehow know their importance. Sometimes those dreams are unpleasant, a sign or symbol of some conflict situation that you still have to overcome. Ask yourself what the dream signifies - probably you can interpret it better than anybo ...


  • What causes dream disorder?

    Of course, almost everyone has experienced sleep problems at some time in life, but for some people these problems become chronic and extremely debilitating. Insomnia a well known sleep disorder can actually be caused by many things such as intake of alcohol, drugs or caffeine. Smoking, Pain, diabetes, lack of exercise and psychological problems can also be causes of insomnia. One way of classifying sleep disorders is according to whether they ...



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