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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The outsiders (s.e. hinton)

1) Describe the two gangs - Greasers and Socs: their looks, their ideas,...!
The Greasers: have long hairs with greasers, haven't nice cloths, blue jeans, tennis shoes, are poor, have to earn money by working hard, from the east side of the town, have to work, the reputation is bad, more like a family  more emotional, stick together, although don't like each other, like to have fights, have own rules, tough and rough (hart und rau)
The Socs: rich, west side of the town, can go to the college, more socially accepted, expensive cars, cloths, rings, think the others just trash (Müll), often drunk  behave like machos, don't feel anything: Bob died  just Randy shows some worry, impersonally, short hair,
2) How does Pony see the difference between his brothers? How are they different from
Soda: handsome, always nice to him, never say anything about his behaviour, love horses, working on his own, is a sandwich child, people forget about them, always easy going, proud of his muscles, no alcohol, drop out of the school,
Dally: strict, shout at him, serious, plays the role of the father, are responsible for him, can't talk with Dally about his problem,
3) Describe a) how Pony and Johnny got into the church!
b) their situation there and how they try to cope with it!
c) the fatal ending of their stay in the church!

4) Describe Johnny's fate!
He's the gang's pet, the smallest of the gang, the gang is his home, give him the feeling, he is important. 16, parents don't care about him, mother wants to see him, when he is lying in the hospital, Jonny don't want to see her, instead asks how he's going, she is just angry about him. Run into the church, was burn the hole body, broken form the waste down , Died in hospital with the last wish: don't fight anymore.
5) Interpret Johnny's last words, "Useless...fighting's no good". To whom does he reply and
which event does he refer to?
Say before he dies, after Dally tells him, that they won the fight. Fight wouldn't change anything, the sentence is to both gang, let them see that fighting until death isn't a solution. Life can be very short, don't invest life with fight. It doesn't give the gang anything, besides losing members.
6) Why did Dally kill himself?
1. Can't process that Jonny has died, think he can actually protect him from his death. So, for him he's responsible for his death. Usually Dally is the tougher one, he usually protect Jonny, but in this case he isn't able to protect him. Always want to be a brother to Jonny, because he was in prison and his parents never care about him, so Dally doesn't want to the same for Jonny.
2. He isn't a hero for the people, because he hasn't run into the church to protect the children.
Than he tried to help Jonny and Pony, but for the others he was never a hero, just Jonny and Pony. Maybe he's a hero for Jonny and Pony. The last letter: 1/3 about Dally, although addressed to Pony.
7) How does Pony react to Johnny's and Dally's deaths?
Pony is shocked at first, sad afterwards, doctors says don't ask Pony anything about the death of Jonny and Dally. He tells Randy, that he kills Bob not Jonny. Want to be at the same level with Jonny. Wants Jonny dies as a hero not as a murderer. The exam helps him to process the deaths. Although the youngest, he's the hero of the group, talkative with Randy, Dally, Jonny, etc.
8) What influence do you think will Johnny's and Dally's deaths have on the gangs?
Let them think about the fights (both gangs), able to talk to each other. The Socs start to show their feelings, not more the cars and the cloth are important. Maybe more influence to the Greasers than to the Socs.

9) In what way has Darry's and Pony's relationship changed due to the events?
More careful to Pony, listen to Soda's problem, Pony's personality is changed, reached a level, that much higher than a normal teenager. They accept each other, able to respect each other.


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