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Zero balancing

Zero balancing - known to the cognoscenti as "zeebee" - was developed about 20 years ago by Fritz Smith, an American osteopath and acupuncturist.
Zero balancing is a form of healing, but on e with a clear theory and practice that can be taught and repeated. While each spiritual healer differs from the next, all practitioners of zero balancing do essentially the same thing.
Their work is based on the Eastern concept that energy flows through the body and, in particular, through the body and, in particular, through bones and joints. It is believed that emotional problems and physical ailments block, disturb or interrupt this force, leading to pain and incapacity.
He spent ages examining her, but the actual treatment lasted about 10 seconds. He held his hands on either side of her knee.
People who come to see the practitioner suffer from physical problems, emotional problems or a combination of both.
The practitioner seems to do almost nothing, but the effects are profound. The zero practitioner places his hands on particular parts of the client's body - under the head, neck, shoulders and back, along the arms and lower legs - and briefly supports them. This apparently releases the blockages and rearranges the energy so that harmony is restored. The treatment involves very gentle touch with no manipulation - and no need to undress. At the end of the session, the client should feel "zero balanced", with no stress or pressure on any particular part of the mind or body.
Usually I know when something has shifted. I can feel a movement under my fingers where previously there wasn't any. There are all sorts of signs. If the eyelashes flutter, it is an unmistakable indication that there has been an energy change in the body. Nobody can fake that.
They do not diagnose, nor do they claim to cure. New practitioners are told not to work on the sick, pregnant women because mother and baby have separate energy fields, or those with epilepsy.
You are aiming to amplify their wellness. It is good for people going through difficult times who want to enhance their potential. I also find it is brilliant for people with bad backs, painful hips and stiff necks. The other category is women who have had a difficult childbirth. Clients tell me that, afterwards, their work and relationships improve and they enjoy life more.
As so often with healing, the placebo effect may have a significant part to play. The therapy is also said to address emotional problems that have been stored in the body. Practitioners claim that it can bring about the sort of profound and lasting changes usually associated with long-term psychotherapy.
When something bad happens to us, we react, perhaps with anger. If we can't react, the event is taken into the bone. In particular a lot of childhood issues are held in the bone because, as children, we can not respond to adults behaving badly.
The idea that memory is stored in the bone is difficult to swallow. Experience is stored in the mind, but why should the mind mean only the brain? Experience is absorbed right through the body.
Something is happening - but it's hard to say what. Hands are supporting me in a way they have not done since childhood. I feel strangely "looked after". I feel weightless, balanced. If I didn't know better, I'd swear I was floating.


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