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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Berlie doherty - dear nobody

Plot: The book \' Dear Nobody \' is about teenage pregnancy. It shows the problems young people have to face in case of a pregnancy like non-acceptance of the society and problems with their parents, who often blame their kids, and can\'t accept the new situation. The book is also about the problems of growing up, about kids, who have to make future plans and decide what they want to do with their life. And it is about the relation between kids and their parents.

Background: The story takes place in Sheffield, in Great Britain. You can\'t really guess the time in which the story is set, but I think it takes place in the late 20th century. The people, who occur in the book are members of the middle class. The main characters are teenagers at the age of 18.


CHRIS(TOPHER):He is the boyfriend of Helen. He narrates the book with his point of view He is a very sensitive and cheerful person. Chris loves Helen very much and is afraid of losing her. When Helen tells him about the baby he doesn\'t realise what this means to his life. He cannot think about it he is just desperate not to lose Helen. In the end, when he sees the baby for the first time, he realises that he wasn\'t ready for being a father.
Christopher has a good relationship to his father. He is very happy about getting to know his mother.

HELEN: She is the daughter of an \'intact\' middle class family. She loves music and she wants to visit a music college one day. Helen can\'t talk with her parents about things like love and sex. When she realises that she is pregnant she can\'t talk to anybody especially not to her parents. It takes very long until she can overcome her inhibitions and tell it Chris. But Chris can\'t really help her although he suports her emotionally. Because she can\'t talk to anybody she starts writing letters to her unborn baby. When her mother wants her to have an abortion she flees from the clinic because she can\'t kill the person she talks to every day.
Helen decides to finish with Chris,that he can take his place at Newcastle University and besides she doesn\'t feel ready to share her life with him forever.
She really would like to have a closer relationship to her mother. That her mother tells her that she has been an illegitimate child brings them closer together because now Helen can understand her mother better.

MRS. GARTON (Helens mother):She is very conservativeShe isn\'t really happy about the relationship between Helen and Chris. She thinks that they are too young. When she finds out that Helen is pregnant she wants her to have an abortion because she doesn\'t want what happened in her childhood to happen again.

MR. GARTON: He works in a library but he has always wanted to become a musician. He has never had the chance to visit a Music college. Now he wants Helen to visit the Music college because he couldn\'t.
When he gets to know that Helen is pregnant he doesn\'t know what to do or how to behave but he tries to support Helen.

MR MARSHALL(Chris\' father):He loves his two children very much and he tries to help them wherever he can. He couldn\'t forgive his wife that she has left the family.

JOAN(Chris\' mom):She was very young when she married Chris\' dad. She was searching more for a Father than for a husband. She feels guilty for having left the family. She is very happy to get to know her son.


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