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World war i (1914-1918) - and america - world war ii (1939-1945)

Under president Wilsons cabinet America joined the first World War to help the French against the Germans. President Wilson was keen on to make the World "safe" and to fight all non- Democratic countries. After the War was won President Wilson made Fourteen Points which helped to bring about the German surrender, proposing a peace founded upon honour and justice. After the War the USA became a naval power. Her economy had developed immensely through the export of arms and the opening up of new markets following the disruption of European trade. The USA became the principal creditor nation in the world.

1.6 Interwar Period

America made some efforts to secure the Peace on the whole planet. Neutrality Acts and other efforts were made to ensure that no other state would become more powerful than America. This worked only limited, due to the ignorance of some big, powerful countries.

In 1929, the USA suffered the most serious depression in its history, with worldwide repercussions. The crisis was caused by the reduces purchasing power of nations weakened by war, and by the failure of debtor countries to pay in fold or through exports, which were made impossible by the high US tariffs. The stock market crash in 1929 wiped out many fortunes and bank failures destroyed savings. Unemployment reached staggering proportions (14 million), leading to hunger parades and rent strikes.

Also a rising racism to foreigners because of the willingness of foreigner to work for low wages led to Exclusion Acts, barring Chinese labour, and an agreement with Japan. The immigration levels were cut extremely, especially immigrants from developing and poor countries had no good chances to come to America.
During this Period some American states introduced the Prohibition to control crime and to give all people in this Period of time a secure feeling. But this was not very efficient and international crime organizations, e.g. the Mafia got even more powerful through trading with illegal stuff.

1.7 World War II (1939-1945)

All peace efforts were destroyed with the armament of the USA in some America-friendly countries in cause of the Japanese air attack on the American naval port of Pearl Harbour on December the 7th.Followed by declarations of war from Germany and Italy brought the USA into the war. While in Europe the Axis had rapid victories in adopting European countries, the Japans had also enormous victories in the battle of some Pacific victories. After Germany surrendered under the pressure of the Allied forces, America was keen onto ending the war with brutal methods. After an official ultimatum the dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and three days later on Nagasaki, virtually obliterating both cities, soon after this, Japan surrendered and was occupied by American forces.

1.8 Postwar Leadership

Foreign policy determined by efforts to create a system of collective security in the cold war now beginning with Russia. A policy of "containment" strove to contain Russian expansion within the 1947 boundaries. Vast sums were spent on rearmament and the stationing of military forces in friendly countries.
Also an important event was the founding of the United Nations in 1944. It was an organization to ensure security and humanity all over the world. With some powerful institutions it became a very important Organization and got later an own army.
The Marshall Plan offered war shattered European countries economic aid to prevent economic depression, which was felt to favour Communist subversion.
Also the GATT-plan (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), 1947, provided for the relaxation of international trade barriers in order to receive trade.
NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1947 by twelve nations on both sides of the Atlantic, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Norway and, later, Turkey, Greece and West Germany. The alliance, based on a 50- year mutual defence treaty, provided for reciprocal military aid in case of aggression. The NATO defence in Europe includes US soldiers and is largely equipped with American weapons.


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