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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Literary terms

Literary terms (Ausdruck) and their collocations (gebräuchliche Wortkombination)

action Handlung
The ~ takes place in a small town / in 1989.
There is a lot of / hardly any / little ~ in.
In the course of the story the ~ develops dramatically /.
The ~ covers the period of a day / two years /.

author Autor/in
The ~ is concerned with (sich befassen mit)./ creates an atmosphere of sadness / using.
The ~'s intention is to show us what freedom might mean.
The ~ wants to make us aware of / make us think about social problems /.
He/She criticizes / blames / encourages.
The ~ wants us to change / wants to make us change our attitude towards nature / the weak /...

character Person, Figur; Charakter
A is the main / an important / a minor (untergeordnet) ~.
B is persented as a friendly / sympathetic /.~.
The motive for C's behaviour / actions lies in his/her ~.

trait of character Charakterzug
Kindness /. is his/her dominant (dominierend, herrschend) /.~ ~ ~.
The basic traits of A's character are.

characterize beschreiben, charakterisieren
the author ~s A implicitly (indirekt, unausgesprochen) / explicitly.
B is ~d as lazy / an honest /. person.
C is ~d by his/her behaviour / by what he/she says / by the narrator's or another character's
comments /.

connotation(s) Nebenbedeutung, Beiklang
This word/phrase has certain ~s for me / the reader.
It has ~s of love / warmth / closeness /.

fable Fabel
The animals in the ~ behave as if they were human beings.
In his/her ~ ".", the author criticizes / makes fun of / wants to make us think about.
The moral of this ~ can be interpreted in different ways.

image sprachliches Bild
A guitar / rose /. is the central / dominant /.~ in the poem / story /.
The ~ is well chose / impressive (eindrucksvoll, wirkungsvoll) / powerful / highly suitable (sehr passend, geeignet) / hard to understand /.
The ~ expresses / reveals / conveys (vermitteln, übermitteln, ausdrücken) the idea / feeling / meaning /.very well / convincingly /.

The poet uses the ~ to express /.
The function of the ~ is to make the reader aware / realize / see . that .

line Zeile
The first/last ~ / L ~ 3 makes it clear / showa that.
L ~ 5 focuses on (besonders hervorheben, die Aufmerksamkeit richten auf) . / attracts the reader's attention / emphasizes / underline /...
In the first ~ the author/poet presents the main topic /.
The central/main theme is introduced / best expressed / hidden /. in ~s 15 and 16.
At first glance ~ 1 was unclear / didn't seem to make sense / puzzled me /.

narrator Erzähler/in eines narrativen Textes/Prosatextes
The ~ addresses the reader directly .
The ~ emphrasizes / points out / make us see /...

novel Roman à text, poem, short story

play (Theater-)Stück à text, poem, short story

poem Gedicht
The ~ is about / deals with / is concerned with (handeln von) ...

The ~ is easy / hard to understand.
It consists of six lines / stanzas / verses.

It appeals to young people /...
It arouses (wachrufen, wecken, erregen) people's emotions / pleasant (angenehm) feelings /

pity (Mitleid, Mitgefühl) ...
The words "." in the ~ are relate to / associated with winter /.
Through the ~ the poet makes us aware (bewusst sein) that.

poet Dichter/in à author

poetic dichterisch, poetisch
The poet uses end rhyme / special stress patterns (Betonungsschema) / repetition / a certain kind of rhythm (Rhythmus) /. as a ~ device (dichterisches Stilmittel).
The most obvious ~ device in this poem is the use of images / comparisons /.

point of view (Erzähl-)Standpunkt, (Erzähl-)Perspektive
The story is told from the ~ ~ ~ of the narrator / the main character / a third person.
The author prensents the events from the main character's / an observer's (Beobachter/in) ~ ~ ~.

reader Leser/in
Most ~s might like / enjoy the story / poem / play /. because .
The ~ is puzzled / confused / impressed by the title / ending / unfamiliar (unbekannt) images /.
The ~ must analyse / is forced to read the first line / last stanza /. very closely / several times /.
The ~ sees things from a different point of view / can identify with the main character / can understand why .
The ~ is influence / is expected to get involved / to take sides (Partei ergreifen) /.
The ~ is worried / surprised / deeply moves / misled (mislead - irreführen, täuschen) /.

repetition Wiederholung
The passage / poem /. contains several ~s.
The ~ of the word "." stresses / makes us see .
The author uses ~ to draw the reader's attention to .

rhyme Reim; (sich) reimen
The ~ scheme (Reimschema) of a poem is a-b-a-b /. / (ir)regular.
The ~ scheme contributes / adds to the atmosphere / tone of the poem.
The author makes use ofe the ~ to emphasize (betonen) / underline /. that .
"Move" and "love" don't ~-

"Cough" ~s with "off"

set: be set in spielen in, der Ort/Schauspielplatz der Handlung ist
The story is ~ in a prison camp.

The novel is ~ in 19th century London

setting Schauplatz
The ~ of this story is (in) a village /.

The ~ has a symblic meaning.
The ~ reflects the main character's mood (Stimmung).

short story Kurzgeschichte
"." is typical of / contains the typical elemtents (Element) / shows the typical structure of a ~ ~.
The beginning / exposition (Einführung, einführender Teil) of this ~ ~ ends in line X, the actual conflict / the climax is reaches in line X.
The ~ ~ has a surprise / happy / convincing /. ending / is open-ended (einen offenen Schluss haben).
In the first paragraph of the ~ ~ the main character /. is introduced / .

The ~ ~ is set in a prison /.

speaker (in a poem) das "Ich" in einem Gedicht à narrator

stanza Strophe
The first ~ opens / begins /... with a description (Beschreibung) of ./.
In the second ~ the poet introduces / discribes /.
The first and the last ~s are quite simple / similar / totally different / different in structure / tone /.
The last ~ contains / conveys the message of the poem.

symbol Symbol
The bird /. is used as a ~ of freedom /.

The word "." is used as a ~ of.
The ~ stands for . / suggests the idea that .

symbolic symbolisch
The word "." has ~ qualities / a ~ meaning.
. is symbolic of .

text Text
The ~ is an excerpt from / part of / a scene from . / is based on .
The ~ deals with / is concerned with /.
The ~ is/can be divided into four parts / passages /.

theme Thema
The author treats his/her ~ with humour.
The problem of . is the dominant ~ of the text.

tone Ton; Stimmung
The passeage has a light / playful (spielerisch) / humorous / sad /. ~.
The poet sets / creates a serious /. ~ by using / choosing .

Vers Strophe à stanza


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