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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Consequences of unemployment

In our society where money means success the unemployment feels useless and he will consider himself a failure.
They are dissatisfied and depressed and this may lead to alcoholism drug problems and homelessness and even to crime
Especially for families it's difficult because they don't have enough money to afford their basics of life. So because of that government has to help financially, but this causes high costs for working people who have to support the unemployed.

High risk groups

There are some high-risk groups, for example youth, women with little children after their period of restriction or elder people aged 50 and over. Lots of those people can\'t find a (good) job.
Young people are part of the high-risk group because in most cases they do not have any practical experience and there are lots of young people searching for the same few jobs. That is why there is a high selection rate on the job market. Firms want to employ young people with lots of experience who want to work almost 24 hours a day and earn just a little pocket money.
Women in general, but especially women with little children who want to work again after their period of restriction are another high-risk group.
Their problem is that the probability to have a nursing holiday for their ill children is very high, especially if they have little kids. Another problem is that those women haven\'t worked for the time of their period of restriction and there might be new trends, new developments or things like that.
The last high-risk group is the large group of over 50 years old people. Their problem is that they cost too much. If a firm employs younger workers they don\'t have to pay that much as if there would work an elder person. That is why they are fired. And it is almost impossible for those people to find a new working place.


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