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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Death penalty and the human rights

Maybe you will ask yourself, what has Death Penalty got to do with the human rights? Really a lot! The right to live and the right not to get a cruel, inhuman and degrading sentence is written down in the human rights. Naturally, nobody wants to excuse or play down a crime. Someone who has comitted a crime has to be sentenced, but not to death. States, which had abolished Death Penalty are able to verify this.
" I can't believe, that a state has to kill somebody, to defend others' life and to punish a killer. Death Penalty is as well inhuman as the crime before. "
A citation from the President of Chile, for reason of the change of a death sentence.
Since Death Penalty has been existing, people have tried to find good reasons for the need of it. The argument you hear most is that people think that Death Penalty has a greater deterrent effect than other sentences. But there's no real proof, which is able to agree with it. But if you take this argument, there's also the risk of executing an innocent person.
When the state is playing judge, there's no fairness, there's only revenge and nemesis.
If the state orders to kill a human being, it's very difficult to say that killing other people is not right. A government can't simultaneously pay attention to the human rights and perform Death Penalty.
In spite of a world wide take of Death Penalty, there are still some states which want to reintroduce Death Penalty and to enlarge the field of application.


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