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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

William golding - lord of the flies

A group of British school boys crashes on a tropical island in a transport to a safer place in war time. The pilot, who is the only adult, is killed in the accident. After the crash two boys, Ralph and Piggy happen to find each other. They find a conch, which can be heard for miles when it is blown. The loud sound gathers all children spread on the island to a meeting.
There Ralph is voted as the leader, although another boy named Jack would\'ve liked to have that role. He is declared the chief of a group of hunters. Ralph sets up certain rules to have some order and organization among the kids.
Then Ralph, Jack, and another boy named Simon leave to explore the island and walk up to the top of the highest mountain. They find out that they are on an uninhabited island without any houses, boats or people. So they think they can have lots of fun until they are rescued.
In the next meeting a small boy steps forward and tells of scary beasts and snakes he saw at night. Although they think that dangerous animals are unlikely to appear on small islands they decide to look for beasts and snakes just to make sure.
Ralph has the idea of making a big fire so that ships passing the island will see the smoke and rescue them. Jack and the hunters are responsible for keeping the fire burning.
Later on they decide to build shelters all together, but a lot of kids are too small to help and others are too lazy. So it\'s only Simon, Jack and Ralph who really work in the end.
Jack and his group become increasingly obsessed with hunting and killing pigs in certain rituals. Once they forget to have someone keep the fire burning. Just then, a ship happens to pass by. Ralph gets very angry at Jack and the tension between them grows stronger and stronger. Especially Jack\'s hatred for Ralph and Piggy grows. All the young children are preoccupied with the beast, which they believe is some kind of animal living on the island. During a meeting Jack tries to bring up the fact that Ralph is not a good leader because he can neither hunt nor sing. But as Piggy and the others don\'t agree, Jack starts to become more and more savage and agressive. He successfully convinces many kids to join a tribe of \'savages\' with him as the leader. They put on face-paint and go hunting. So they kill a pig in a very slow and painful way, cut off the head, put it on a stick and take the body with them.
Then Simon decides he should go by himself to find the beast. As he has not eaten or drunk for a long time, he sits down to rest. When he looks up, he sees the head of the pig, which he believes, starts talking to him. Lots of flies are flying around its head making it the \'Lord of the Flies\'. The pig says that he is the beast and that he is everywhere, with all the boys too. Since this conversation is in Simon\'s head, Simon convinces himself, that the beast isn\'t real, but it is all inside everyone. Then he goes back to tell the others.
In the meantime all the boys are eating the meat, chanting, and gradually they get crazy. They pretend that they are hunting a pig while hunting each other and finally decide that they need to kill something. Just then Simon comes out of the forest dirty and bloody. They don\'t realize that it is Simon and stab him to death.
Jack\'s tribe becomes increasingly aggressive. By now most of the boys have joined Jack\'s tribe, except for Sam, Eric, Ralph and Piggy. Later when they go to try to talk to Jack\'s tribe, Sam and Eric are kidnapped and forced to join the tribe, which ends up killing Piggy by hurdling a large rock towards him. Ralph knows that he is the next one to be killed and leaves Castle Rock, which is Jack\'s fortress, to hide in the forest. Jack and his followers attempt to hunt Ralph and set the whole island on fire. Luckily, a naval cruiser sees the smoke and comes to rescue the kids. Once the naval cruiser arrives and the officer comes out, the boys are ashamed of what they have become.


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