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What causes teen violence?

Nature Versus Nurture: Some scientists say that some people are born with a tendency to be violent because of their genetic makeup or other biological factors, such as brain chemicals or neurological damage. Other scientists think that because of the high levels of the hormon testosterone, which is a male hormon, men are more aggressive than women.
A psychology professor found out that criminals are born rather than made. But some experts think that children and teens are taught to be violent by aspects of culture in which they live. (USA = gun culture) They say that a person because of his gens has got a tendency toward violence, but that alone is not enough to cause them to act in violent ways.
Guns: Some people think that the easy availability of guns is a big or main problem of teen violence. Because a lot of shootings can't occur if it isn't so easy to get guns. Today in America there are 200 millions gun in that society. There are several reasons why guns are so dangerous in the hands of teenagers. First the teenagers can't contrl their emotions and impulses. Secondly, they don't know the full consequences. In America the leading cause of death for black males between the age of 15 and 19 are gun shootings.
Personal Responsibility: But not only the g uns are the problem. Why do teens pick up guns and use them against other people? A lot of people think that the teens do so, because they lack the sense of personal responsibility. Morgan Reynolds, the director of the Criminal Justice Center, says that the teens lose the sense of morality and empathy
The Role of Parents: Parents are frequently blamed for failing to teach their children the importance of good and wrong and personal responsibility. It is also said that the cause of teen violence is the failure of parents to discipline their children.
Familie Breakdown: Why can't the parents raise their children proberly? Not every child has got two parents, The number of single mother has increased very dramatically. Therefore the young boys and girls are left without the support and discipline of fathers. The consequence of being without a father can be tragic. While girls without fathers are more likely to become pregnant at an early age, fatherless boys are more likely to join gangs. You can ask a lot of teenagers who did violent crimes and who have not seen their fathers for a long time because they are in prison, which role their your fathers played in their lives.
Most of them will say :" No role at all." But Clarence Page, a reporter who is very interested in teen violence wrote:" It is not the quantity of the parents, but the quality of parenting that counts."
Media Violence: Media violence is also blamed for teen violence. Because a lot of teens want do be like some actors and therefore they do the same things that the actor do in the film. But experts say that the teens who do the things which happen in the films, live in another world, but not in the real world.
Crazy Murder: A expert thinks that a crazy murderer likes weapons, violence against animals, and is interested in settings fires or making bombs. Every teen who shot some people in school was interested in such things and all of them were teased by somebody. And in addition, all of the boys were having psychological, emotional or social problems at the time of the shootings.
Poverty: Experts agree that poverty is root cause of violence. In 1993, 40 million Americans lived below the official poverty line. Half of these are children and 60 percent of them are nonwhite. If single-parent families are more likely to raise teens who commit voilence, it is because such families are more likely to be poor.
Inner-City Violence: Inner-City Violence is a large problem for minority teens. The minority teens are not only doing more crimes than white teens, but they are more often victims of crimes than white teenagers. There the youths see no hope for the future, they feel suicidal and they do not know how to escape from the violence except by being violent or taking drugs or drinking alcohol. 68 percent of black babies are born to single mothers. And most of them live in poverty. They haven't got any hope for the future, because they know that it is very hard to get a legal job. Most of the teens in the inner city belong to a gang. There drug dealing is an attractive job, because you can make a lot of money very easily and fast. But every gang knows that and every gang wants to controll the biggest area to earn a lot of money. Therefor there earn a lot of money.


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