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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

To kill a mockingbird

characterlist 1) Scout: /> - little girl about 6 years old

- real name Jean Louise Finch

- narrator and main character

- lives with father, Atticus and brother, Jem in Maycomb

- intelligent, confident, tomboy

- believes in goodness of people in her community

2) Atticus:

- Scout and Jem's father, widower

- lawyer, racial equality, defends Tom Robinson

- sense of justice, morality and dry humor

- wise, empathatic

- moral backbone of the novel

3) Jem:

- Jeremy Atticus Finch, four years older than Scout

- playmate and brother of Scout at the beginning

- typical American boy => football

- Scout's close companion and protector

- moves into adolescence during story

- ideals shaken by evil and injustice during trial of T.R.

4) Boo:

- Arthur Radley

- sb. who never sets foot outside his house

- dominates imaginations of Jem, Scout and Dill

- father imprisoned him in house as punishment when young

- knothole => gifts for Scout and Jem

- one of novel's "mockingbirds"

5) Dill:

- Jem and Scout summer neighbour and friend

- diminutive, confident boy with active imagination

- represents perspective of childhood innocence throughout novel

6) Bob Ewell:

- drunken, permanently unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family

- racist => his daughter wrongful raped by T.R.

- represents dark side of South: ignorance, poverty, squalor, and hate-filled racial prejudice

7) Calpurnia:

- black cook of Finch family

- stern disciplinarian

- children's bridge between the white and black community

8) Tom Robinson:

- black sharecropper accused of rape

- family: wife and two children

- "mockingbird" of novel

9) Nathan Radley:

- Boo's older brother

- forces Boo staying in house, like father

- cuts of important element of Boo's relationship to children =>knothole

10) Mayella Ewell:

- Bob Ewell's abused. Lonely, unhappy daughter

- 19 years old

- supports father in accusing T.R. of rape

- one can pity her, because of overbearing father, but not pardon her for supporting father

11) Aunt Alexandra:

- Atticus sister

- strong willed woman, perfect Southern lady

- commitment to propriety and tradition often leads her to clash with Scout


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