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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

'to kill a mockinbird' critique

"To Kill A Mockingbird" Critique First I have to say, that I really liked the play. I think it is amazing how high school students can work together and realize such a big event. From costumes to the amazing stage picture, they made that all by themselves. I think that earns praise. I really liked the stage picture, it wasn't a "cheap" one just with carton buildings which should look like houses but don't. Their stage picture really looked like a street.

     I can imagine how much time it used to get this done. It was also cool how they made the court in the middle of the town, but I didn't feel like, that doesn't work. Because of the arch you didn't see the houses behind it anymore. The saddest part of the play was that I hardly could understand a word. I think there are two main reasons why I couldn't understand it. First English isn't my first language and sometimes I still struggle with it, and second the acoustic wasn't the best.

     The best part in the whole play was during the court scene. The girl who got raped started "crying" and it was believable, she was very good. I was really impressed. I think the music didn't really fit in the play. It reminded my on prisoners in the 50's. It was similar to the music in "the green mile", and this movie was about a black prisoner.

     But to summarize my impression of the play, I have to say I'm impressed how students could realize this play, and I didn't notice any mistakes, forgotten text, light mistakes etc. I think it's amazing that they invest a lot of time to realize a play like that.


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