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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The terror acts of the ku klux klan today and in the near past

To reach their aims, some Klan organizations use the same methods as 100 years ago. They create a atmosphere of fear and terror. They use hate and violence. A good example for this fact is the \" Fiery Cross\". It was used at first in the 1920\'s to fear opponents of the Klan. The \"Fiery Cross\" is a burning wooden cross which stands near the house of their enemies. While the cross burns the robe and hood wearing members make a procedure around it.Here are some terror acts of the Klan from the early 1980\'s till the end of the 1990\'s:
February 22, 1983, Knox County, Tennessee: At this day two Klansmen were arrested because they put a pistol at the nose of a 71-year-old black man to kill him. They did it because \"they just didn\'t like my color\".
- May 30, 1983: Two members of the KKK have burned a cross next the home of a black prison guard. Later they hit him and his family and demolished his house.
- April 8, 1984, Cedartown, Georgia: A robed and hooded member of the Knights of the KKK robbed a 18-year-old black.
- August 10, 1984, Talloopsa and Waco, Georgia: Five Klansmen were arrested because they broke in to attack a colored man and his white wife and another white women which sympathize with blacks.
- Klan member in front of the Confederated Flag. Violence is often used by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
-January 24, 1997, Martinton, Illinois: The police raid the home from the Ku Klux Klan member Ricky Salyer. They found 35,000 rounds of heavy ammunition like grenades, shells for grenade launchers, smoke and tear gas and other military gear. This weapons are able to destroy heavy armor. Salyer has been eleven times in a prison before.
- April 22, 1997 Fort Worth, Texas: Three member of the Ku Klux Klan planned to blow up a natural gas refinery. This member also planned to kill hundreds of people including children as a diversion from a simultaneous robbery. All of them declared to be guilty and they will get up to 20 years in prison.
- February 23,1998, St. Luis, Illinois: Three men with links to the Ku Klux Klan wanted to kill the federal judge and civil right lawyer Morris Dees. To blow up the southern Poverty Law Center, Dees was a co-founder of it, was also planed by them. Another plan of them was to poison five water supplies and to rob banks.
These events, especially the newer ones, show that the Klan is still dangerous and has to be watched by government and other organizations like \"Klanwatch\" or \"Stop-The-Hate\".


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