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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The leg of lamb by roald dahl - summary

Mr Maloney, a police man, and his pregnant wife Mary lives a comfortable life in their cosy house, every evening celebrating their supper in an special way - first drinks, then meal. But one day it was different. Mr Maloney had his drinks as usual, but refused supper. Instead he told his wife, that he would leave her, not only this evening, but forever. At first Mrs Maloney did not believe it. She thought that if she went on with her normal life, nothing would change. So she got up and decided to prepare supper. The first thing she found in the freezer was a leg of lamb. When she brought it up stairs, her husband was looking out of the window, announcing that he would go out. At that moment she hit him with the frozen leg of lamb on the back of his head. Then she waited. After some seconds he crashed to the floor and was dead.

Mary began to think hard as she did not want to go to prison. She put the lamb into the cooker, took her coat and went to the grocer's. There se bought some potatoes and beans. She told Sam that her husband was too tired to go out for supper and that she had a nice leg of lamb in the oven. She took a took a big piece of cream cake as desert as well. Then she left for home. On her way home she told herself, that she would find her husband waiting for his supper as usual. So when she found him dead in the living room, the shock was real and she began to cry hard.

She phoned the police and two colleges of her husband, Charlie and Jack, came quickly. When they asked her what had happened she told them that she hat shortly left for the grocer's and found him like that when she arrived. A lot of other people came, a doctor, other police men, a photographer and sometime later Mr Maloney was brought away. Everybody left except Jack Noonan and Charlie O'Malley, who informed Mary that her husband had been killed by a blow with a heavy piece of metal on the back of his head. If they found the weapon they would get the murderer. So they hat a look if something had been stolen from the house. After some time Mary offered them a drink and suggested that they should eat up the lamb she had prepared. So Jack and Charlie helped themselves to lamb and vegetables in the kitchen, discussing where the weapon would probably be found, whereas Mary began to laugh in the other room


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