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The ku klux klan today

For what does the Klan stand? The Ku Klux Klan was reconstructed after World War II and is still existing. Today there are many fractions of the Ku Klux Klan like the \"Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan\", the \"New Order Knights\" or the \"Invisible Empire\". There are also many Klan-like organizations which have some differences but in the most cases they have the same opinion. After the review of many WebPages written by Klan and Klan-near organizations I figured out that many Klan groups agree on the most ideas. They all are Protestant fundamentalist who fight against Jews and Catholics. Like the Nazis they have the idea, that the Jews are decomposing the US society. Also they say that the Jews killed Jesus to legitimize their attacks on them. They all say that they believe in the US Constitution and that they are anti-Communists. And they are all still fighting against miscegenation and very hard against interracial marriage. But there are new ideas the Klan stands for. They made many marches against gay rights and abortion. All Klan organizations claim that it was their goal to protect the United States by decreasing or even stopping immigration. There are also some groups fighting against welfare, because they want that the people work for the money they get. Some organizations want to quarantine all AIDS carriers. They have the idea that this is the only possibility to stop infection. And many Klan groups have a very rough drug policy. So they +demand drug testing for all welfare recipients. Very often you can hear opinions like: \"If they have money for drugs, they do not need our tax dollars.\" And they want the death penalty for drug dealers.
What is the position of the Ku Klux Klan about blacks?

It is still one of the biggest interests of the Klan \"to protect the Aryan race\". Nearly all Klan Organizations demand segregation to protect the white race. They believe in the white race\'s superiority. The Klan says that Affirmative Action is a \" Reverse Discrimination\". They demand that all integration attempts will be stopped. On Klan-near WebPages I found some information which display the position of the most Klan organizations. One very important thing is, that they believe that the Afro-Americans are stupid and have a lower IQ than the white people. They refer to gaps between the IQ of white and blacks children they claim to have found.
They explain these differences with differences between the white man\'s brain and Afro-American brains. They want to show that the brains of black people are more similar to a monkey brain than to a human brain. A very important point in their argumentation is that the most crimes are committed by blacks. According to a FBI report blacks commit much more crimes than white; They say that \"50% of all African American males have a prison record.\" The Klan explains that with the \"character of the blacks\". They do not make the social differences and discrimination responsible for these facts.
This is a behavior often used by extremists: They use the facts which are useful for them and ignore the facts which could be able to destroy their argumentation.
But also they want to show that blacks are dangerous for the society. You can often read that blacks were never able to built up a society. But they claim much more. For example they try to show that all countries who \"absorbed the Negro gene pool\" have a ruined economy and society today, as Portugal and Egypt have.
As another method the Ku Klux Klan uses denunciation to support their aims. So they say that Martin Luther King did \" bizarre sexual perversion\" and they also claim that in his FBI records is written that he was \"under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party.\"

Where can you find the Klan?

There are more than 120 Klan groups in the US today. The Klan is found in many states of the US, but there are organizations which claim to operate in the whole world. There are about 400 members in Britain and 4,000 to 6,500 members in different fractions in the US today (in 1981 they have had about 10,000 members). Since they are underground groups nobody really knows how many members and supporters the Klan has. In the map below you can see how many Klan Organizations are in the US, but nobody knows if they have 10, 100 or more members. But in the last years the Klan got new power again. Events like the O. J. Simpson lawsuit encouraged more people to join the Klan.As you can see, the most Klan groups are found in the East today. The most KKK groups are located in Florida. It is also very important to know that some Ku Klux Klan groups and members cooperate with Neo-Nazi groups and parties like the \"New Order Knights\", who are a combination of the KKK and Nazi ideas, for example.
How does the Ku Klux Klan behave?
The most Klan groups are very independent and do not accept a central authority. Some of these groups are a terrorism community but others do not use illegal methods to reach their aims. But there are also some groups which seem to cooperate. The \"Invisible Empire\" for example or \"The Knights of the White Kamellia\" which have \"many\" groups in different states and a common leadership.
But they do more than to fear people. They do nighttime attacks especially against blacks, bombings, arson attacks and whippings. Some Klan organizations provide paramilitary training for members. The Klan fights for the US weapon right and encourages every member to have a weapon.
These Klan organizations are the most dangerous. Another problem is, that the Klan itself sometimes is unable to handle their people. But there are actions which are done with the supporting of a Ku Klux Klan group. Here is an overview of some actions happened in the last decades:


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