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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Summary - the egg -

Summary The Eggr / The text \" The Egg\" by Sherwood Anderson was written in 1921.

The narrator talks about a farmhand who tries to be successful in his life but never really does. His wife pushes him into starting a new business but he decides to raise chickens.

Over the years the man starts collecting deformed chickens which he puts into jars with alcohol. By doing that he is hoping to get peoples attention and to become rich like that.

After the years he realises that he is going nowhere so him, his wife and son move a mile away from that railroad and start a restaurant business. At the beginning everything seems to work out fine but after he starts trying to entertain the people by getting an egg into a bottle without destroying ist center of gravity the dream breaks down because it does not work.

From that point on his whole life goes down and he starts getting mentaly confused.

It is about a farmhand who tries to be successful in life but never does succeed.

His wife is pushing him into a new business but he decides to raise chickens.

Over the years the man collects deformed chickens, which he puts into jars with alcohol.

By showing them he is hoping to become rich but after a while he realises that he is going nowhere. For that reason his son, wife and him are moving a mile away to open a restaurant. At the beginning everything seems to work out fine but later on when he tries to get a joung man's attention by getting an egg in a bottle by manipulating its center of gravity he fails.

From that point on his whole life goes down and he starts to get mantaly getting confused.


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