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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)


Is situated on the tip of the Horn of Africa, on the eastern coast of Africa. Neighbour countries are Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. It shares its coastline with the Gulf of Aden to the north and the Indian Ocean to the south.
The origin of the Somalis is uncertain. It's said that they came from Arabia. But it's certain that they came from the northern plains and highlands and made their way to the south (7th-9th centuries) into a region that was once called Puntland (Land of Kings).
During the 7th - 10th centuries Muslim Arabs and Persians established trading centres along the coast and the Arabs introduced Islam to the Somalis.
In the 15th and 16th centuries they joined forces together with the Muslim sultanates to fight against Christian Ethiopia.
In the 19th century Britain, France and Italy began to claim different areas of Somalia and established protectorates to define their Somali possessions. So they divided up the land of the Somali nomads and created a lot of confusion to the Somali clans.
The orders in that country were kept by force.
In 1960 Somali became independent but began a war with Ethiopia 4 years later over an area (Ogaden region), which, Somalis claim, was theirs before the colonial division.
In 1991 the dictator of 22 years, Mohammed Siad Barre, was overthrown by rebels. Afterwards a constant war(for 7 years) between the rivalling clans was fought and many people were killed. 350.000 Somalis found themselves unable to move on and farm; so, many lost their lives by famine and drought. The capital, built by the Italians, was destroyed. Millions more had to flee to neighbouring countries and to the West, seeking safety. There is no order in the country: no police, no schools, not even a government. There are constant tribal wars which make nomad life even harder.
The reconstruction of a united Somalia requires that all the country's fighting clans put down their arms and begin peaceful constructive discussions to solve their problems.
The Somali population of about 8 million are mostly nomads who live in the rural areas herding livestock of sheep, goats, cattle and camels. The rest live and work in the cities(Kismaayo, Hargeisa, Marka and Mogadishu).
There's very little rainfall and sometimes none at all, so drought is a severe factor in Somalia. The land consists of arid plains full of Acacia trees. Nomads have to travel many miles to find food and water in order for their families and animals to survive.
In the southern part of Somalia, because of the 2 biggest rivers (Shabeele and Juba) the soil is pretty fertile and they cultivate corn, millet, citrus fruits, rice, sorghum, beans and bananas.
The country's main exports are livestock, bananas, fish, myrrh, hides and skins. They have also raw materials such as gypsum anhydrite, quartz, piezoquartz, , uranium, iron ore and unconfirmed deposits of gold and oil.
This could provide a better life for the Somalis, but still there's a huge lack of education and the living standard is very poor.


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