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National recreatin area lake powell

Table of Contens Cover Table of contens Introduction Origin and History Discovery Glen Canyon Dam Climate Leisure time activities Sources List of Vocabulary Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, it is situated in the west of the USA. In the very huge Canyon is a lake he is named Lake Powell. For the most part the Canyon (lake) is in Utah but he stretch to Arizona. The history Origin: "Most of Glen Canyon's narrow, slotlik side canyons have been carved in the massive buff- colored Navajo Sandstone. There are thick layers of shale, mudstone, clay and other sandstones above and more sediments below but it's the Navajo that most characterizes the Lake Powell Area. During the Jurassic era, from about 210 to 145 million years ago, much of Intermountain West was covered by great Sahara like deserts.

     The Wingate, Kayenta and Navajo Formations were deposited. Other sediments would be laid down, some hard, some soft, some removed by erosion before another layer was added. Regional uplift and ceaseless downcutting by streams, sandblasting by wind, and freeze-thaw calving of cliffs and benches, the softer deposits creating slopes," History in the Canyon Though marginal for agriculture, about 1500 years ago, someone planted maize on the sandy-bank next to the Colorado River. Two farming cultures settled the area the Fremont people and the Anastasia. For seven centuries these farmers battled drought, floods, and poor, rocky soil then drifted away. Other native Americans passed through Glen Canyon - the Uses, Paints and Navajo but they where only interested in hunt for example bison, bighorn sheep, rabbits and squirrels.

     Discovery The lake is named after the geologist John Wesley Powell who decided to map the region and record its natural history. In 1869 he and his crew went down the Colorado River and entered Glen Canyon. Anyway, his work became the basis for the reclamation in the west. The construction of Glen Canyon Dam, that dams up the water of the Colorado River and after all shapes Lake Powell, began in 1956 and was completed in 1966. In 1972 the "Glen Canyon National Recreation Area" was established and also today the area provides you with lots of leisure-time activities like water sports. The problem of Lake Powell is that the Dam was built during a humid period and it reached its highest water levels from 1980 to 1984.

     Unfortunately, the climate is getting drier there so that the Colorado provides the area with less and less water. As a consequence of that, the "curious ensemble of wonderful features", as J. W. Powell said in 1869, becomes smaller and smaller and probably will dry up one day. Glen Canyon Dam The Glen Canyon Dam is the reason for the existence from Lake Powell. In 1956 President Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated the construction of Glen Canyon Dam.

     The 710-foot high dam required 5,370,000 cubic yards. The construction cost $ 155 million, and 18 lives were lost. It took 17 years until Lake Powell was completely filled up complete with water. Lake Powell provide seven US-states and parts from Mexico with water. The dams electrical generators can produce 1.3 million kilowatts.

     When at full capacity, the lake surface is 3,700 feet above sea level and covers an area of 161,390 acres, making it second in size only to Lake Mead. The lake is 186 miles long, 560 feet deep, backs into 96 major side canyons, and contains 26,214,861 acre-feet of water, enough to cover the entire state of Utah with six inches of water. Glen Canyon Dam and the Colorado River. The Glen Canyon Dam, behind Lake Powell. Climate The climate at Lake Powell is unusual in the morning sky is clear and afternoon are more and more clouds at the sky and in the evening it is thunderstorm. That's every day the same in the summer.

     In the winter it's snow. The soil shows the dry climate Leisure time activities Lake Powell is wonderful for water-ski, make a trip with a houseboat or nothing but swim. At the rocks and hills they are outside the lake you can climb. Or you relax and enjoy the atmosphere. The best atmosphere at Lake Powell is during sunrise and sunset, then the colors at the sky are wonderful. water-ski The houseboats from Lake Powell.

     Sources Book: A wish you were here book: Lake Powell Glen Canyon National Recreation Area from Stewart Aitchison Internet: Google Bilder Private travel + List of vocabulary stretch to - erstrecken bis establish - eröffnen... nothing but - nichts außer during - während sunrise - Sonnenaufgang sunset - Sonnenuntergang origin - Entstehung narrow - eng slotlik - spaltförmig carved - entstehen buff-colored - fleischfarben layers - Schichten/Ablagerungs~ shale - Schiefer mudstone - Silt clay - Ton Intermountain - Zwischengebirgsregion lay - Einlagern Added - hinzukommen uplift - Hebung ceaseulses - ununterbrochen downcutting - Tiefenerosion stream - Fluss/Strom sandblasting by wind - wind erosion freeze-thaw calving - Frost/Tau wechselwirrkung benches - Terrassen slopes - hänge deposits - Schichtungen mariginal - begrenzt though - obgleich planted - anbauen sandybank - sandiges Ufer battled - kämpfen drought - dürre floods - Überschwemmungen poor - unfruchtbar soil - boden reclamation - Landgewinnung shapes - formt reached - erreichte provides - gibt drier - trockener less and less - immer weniger probably will dry up one day - irgendwann austrocknen inaugurated - einweihen required - erfordern concrete - Beton dam's electrical generators - Kraftwerk des Staudamms seelevel - Meeresspiegel covers - dehnt sich aus thunderstorm - Gewitter filled up - (voll) füllen corespond (to) - entsprechen acre corespond with: 4046.24 m²


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