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Ku klux klan membership

About The Knights The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is a legal non-profit political party promoting the ideals of Western Christian Civilization. The Knights is working to build a nationwide movement of White Christian men, women, and children who support a return of White Christians to government. Klansmen and Klanswomen in The Knights are part of a nationwide network of people working to promote the 6th era Klan.

In America, The Knights have the following principles:

The White Race: The irreplaceable hub of our nation, our faith, and the high levels of western culture and technology.

America First: First before any foreign or alien influence or interest.

The Constitution: As originally written and intended.

Free Enterprise: Privite property and ownership of business, end of high-finance exploitation.

Positive Christianity: The right to practice their faith - including prayers in schools.

The family: the strength of any nation must be based upon strong family units, commonly called the traditional family.

Chain of Command

In the 1920`s the Klan had a complex system of commands.Having less than 10000 members they devided into several groups and simplified the chain of command.In 1920 there was only one Imperial Wizard who commanded. Being divided in different groups today there are many and everyone claims to be the right one. They do not accept a general leader.

The chain of command of the Knights of the White Kamellia is

Imperial Wizard (Chief Executive)


Grand Dragon (Responsible for a State)


Grand Titan (Responsible for a Province)


Exalted Cyclops (Local Leader)



The Klan has a military structure. Each leader has his own staff that is working for him. A member can not command someone. They have an exact order of business and of ceremonies.

The Kloran is the book of the Invisible Empire, it is regarded as a sacred book. The content has to be safeguarded, so that no person of the alien world has no chance to get knowledge of its content. The secrets have to be held secure and secret work must be used only when necessary. No innovation is tolerated and you have to behave well during a ceremony.All Klansmen study it and they can profit morally. To be a Klansman you have to pass an examination on the Kloran during a special ceremony. Candidates have to demonstrate themselves in a graceful, forceful and dignified way.

Symbols used by the KKK

The KKK uses many symbols. Being a very religious organization, the cross is very important.

The Fiery Cross is used as a Klan symbol representing the ideals of Christian Civilization. It does not represent a desecration of the cross, but actually represents the lighting of the cross, that is, the truth and light of Jesus Christ, our sacred cause and the blazing spirit of Western Christian Civilization.

This symbol was and is often used to frighten blacks and also their supporters.You can also find statements that some groups burn down the Cross to desecrate it. Due to questions on why they light the cross, here is an explanation. The fiery cross is a Klan symbol representing the ideals of Christian civilization.

Simmons brought the symbol of the burning cross to the Klan during his first meeting as Imperial Wizard on Thanksgiving Day of 1915. The burning cross is claimed by the Klansmen as a symbol of Jesus Christ being the light of the world.

The Crosswheel

The cross wheel is the traditional Klan symbol. It is a cross in a circle. It was directly derived from the Klan name and from White history as the cross wheel is found in every White civilization. In the cross wheel, they see the Christian cross, the wheel of creativity, the circle of unity, motion, and also the ancient Aryan symbol for the sun - or light. In the center you see a red drop. Some fractions say it shows a blood drop, that is the blood of Jesus, which was shed for the white race. Others think it is a symbol of the last drop of blood that a Klansman will shed in defense of the white race.

The Robe and Hood

The robe is worn as a symbol of humility for their Christian rituals, like the robes of monks. The mask gives anonymity. Not according the arguments of the KKK the robe was and is worn when a Klanmember did and does something illegal. It is also sure that they use them to frighten people.

There are also officer robes,different in colour and stripes on sleeves,The robes can be white,black or orange and the stripes are purple,gold or green. Bottom stripes are earned. An officer gets one and for each period of five jears of service you will earn one.


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