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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Ku klux klan - society and kkk

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) r /> define themselves as a political party, also called the White Rights Movement. Their foundation is that by trying to integrate ethnicities and race, whites are facing discrimination. They also believe that the USA was founded as a white nation and it should be brought back to it.
They want to live in peace and restore America\'s original goodness. The bible gives them the fundament. Homosexuals, other races, and other religions are segregated and inferred transporting out of a purified country.

The view of society

In general we think of ideas of hateful acts and ignorant people. Many will associate the Klan as a model for extremism combined with bigotry and violence, the anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia. It is common for society to describe the Klan identity holding Jews as the offspring of Satan; that Blacks and other racial minorities are inferior; and that white Anglo-Saxons are the \"true Israelites.\" They are said to be murderers who hide themselves in white sheets.

Did they influence the society?

The effects that this group has had on society is evident. There are many aspects on how this group tries to impact society, mostly by media. Crimes are the first thing that people will associate with the KKK. Klansmen justify that the people who do these crimes are people of hate and are not true members. The fact is that these people are wearing the hood and robe and are a part of the KKK whether or not acknowledged or wether or not they takn responsibility for it. The crimes committed are burning of black churches, beatings, hanging a nooses above peoples doors, or burning crosses. These crimes are very often associated with the KKK

Another thing is that this group denying is the validity of Martin Luther King Day .They hold marching protests on days that honour or are significant remembrance days for black people. Protests are a common practice of the group, they march through neighbourhoods that would classically disagree with their principles.

And yet another way how this group affects the general public opinion is through the media and other public movements. You can find is a lot of information on the web, too.


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