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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Island of the blue dolphins!

Title: Island of the blue dolphins/>

Author: Scott O´ Dell

The Story:

This story is about a girl, who lives alone on an island.

One day Karana and her brother Ramo search for roots for dinner, when they see a big ship with red sails. The ship belongs to the white men. They want to kill sea otters and sell their furs. At first they want to have a bigger part than of village, than they have arranged, but Karana´s father, Chief Chowing says that everyone gets the same part.

Karana is a girl from the island: "Ghalas-at", which is called "Island of the blue dolphins" too. She has a brother and a sister. Karana has two names and her secret name is Won-a-pa-lei and it means: "THE GIRL WITH THE LONG BLACK HAIR". Karana has no mother, because she died, when she was very young, but she has a brother, who called Ramo, a sister called Ulap, and a father whose name is Chowing, the Chief of the village. The white men hunt for many days, when they are finished, they take all the fur into their ships. They take more than they are allowed to take. The white men and the village people have a big misunderstanding and they begin to fight against each other. In that battle many people die, because the white men have guns with them. One of these people who die is Karana´s father. Then the white people leave Ghalas-at.

After many days, the village people decide to sail to another place, because they are afraid that the white men come back to their island, and they haven't enough food, because the white men have hunted all fishes around the island. They pack all their things and get into a big ship, when suddenly Karana sees that they have forgotten her brother Ramo on the island. So the girl jumps into the water and swims back to the island, because she doesn't want to leave her brother alone. The island is dangerous, because there are many wild dogs. Karana and her brother Ramo are alone on the island and they wait many days for the ship to come back. But then suddenly something terrible happens. Karana´s brother dies, as a wild dog attacks him. Now Karana is alone on the island with the wild dogs. But she makes many friends. She has Rontu, a wild dog which is the leader of the pack of dogs. Won-a-nee, the sea otter to which she gives fresh fish everyday, birds and dolphins and with them she has many adventures.

Many years later a ship finds her and she finds out that the ship from the village people sank in a thunderstorm. This is why the people from her island never came back.

How did I like reading the book:

I don't like the book, because it is very bad and brutal and there are many people and animals that must die, but I like the part where Karana has many friends.


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