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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Is our government doing enough to protect our environment?

A Introduction B What they do

1. Back out of the nuclear power

2. Ecological tax

3. Deposit on cans

4. Subsidize of ecological doing

5. Establishment of nature reserves

6. Prohibition of dangerous chemicals

7. Acceptance of the Kyoto Protocol

C What they can do in future

1. Close incineration plants

2. More tax on petrol

D Conclusion

Our planet is in danger. Global warming and the ozone hole are topical problems in society and politics. What is our government doing to protect our environment and is this enough? In this essay I try to answer both questions.

There is a lot of what our government is doing to protect our environment.

At first, the back out of nuclear power. This is very important because the pollution cause by nuclear waste is dangerous not only for mankind.

Secondly, the tax on unecological things like petrol. Petrol becomes more expensive and people are forced to use public transport.

Another significant point is the deposit on cans. It force consumers to bring cans back to shop. So, their recycling is easier.

Moreover, the government subsidizes ecological doing like organic farming, ecological building and the use and research of solar and wind power. This step is motivating people to do ecological doing.

Furthermore, there is the establishment of natural reserves. In this areas the environment have to be protected by everyone who is in this area.

In addition, our government prohibits dangerous chemicals like pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. This substances are toxic not only for insects, weeds and fungi.

Finally, our government accepts the Kyoto Protocol and try to reduce the CO2-emission. This is very important because global warming is cause by CO2-exhaust.

On the other hand, there are some points what our government cans do in future to protect our environment.

First, the closing of incineration plants because they produce CO2-exhaust and the waste have to be recycled.

Another point is to make petrol more expensive until people use public transport more than today.

So all in all I believe that our government is doing enough to protect our environment, and I hope that they will be doing enough in future too. But our government is not the only one, who cans protect our environment. Everyone should do enough. Everyone can help our planet to survive.

Words: 393


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