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Homeopathy is an established system of medical treatment which assists the tendency of the body to heal itself. In recent years it has been the subject of increasing interest and is now widely used for the treatment of a wide range of ailments. There are many reasons for this resurgence of interest, including the fact that the remedies used cause no side effects and are not addictive.
The name homeopathy is derived from two Greek words - Homios, meaning like or similar and Pathos, meaning suffering.
Homeopathy is based on the principle of similars, treating like with like, this means that when a doctor is treating a patient with homeopathy, a substance is used which in a healthy person would produce symptoms and signs similar to hose presented by the patient.
The remedies used in homeopathy are prepared in a unique way from repeatedly diluted extracts derived from materials such as plants and minerals. Remedies can also be made from particular antigens, e.g. house dust, cat hair etc, if patients have a sensitivity to these substances.
It is important to realise that homeopathy is not the same as herbal medicine, where only the direct effect of plants are used.
Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body's own healing power. The body's response will depend on the prescribing of the right remedy in the right potency or strength and also on the body's vitality.
Homeopathy has been in existence for approximately two hundred years. It was rediscovered and formulated by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in 1796 but the principle of treatment of like by like was first suggested by Hippocrates in the fifth century BC.There is no class of disease in which homeopathy can not be used, but if for example a patient has reached the stage of needing surgery, then this should not be delayed.
Results of homeopathic treatment may range from minimal to spectacular. In injuries and accidents, homeopathic remedies can be of immense value.
Homeopathy can definitely help with allergies. The use of the potentised allergen is in most cases very successful in relieving the symptoms of the allergy. For a deeper cure, this can be followed up with the constitutional remedy. This is a remedy which takes into consideration the personality of the patient as well as their symptoms.
Remedies can be given both pre-operatively and post-operatively to speed up healing and to counteract any effects of anxiety, shock and the anaesthetic. In general, patients treated with homeopathy make a much more rapid post-operative recovery than patients who have not had this treatment.
Since there are no toxic effects homeopathy is safe for babies and children. Additionally, since babies and young children often have a high level of vitality, excellent results are to be expected. Also, it iis impossible to overdose on homeopathic pills, so if a child swallowed a large number of them, there would be no adverse effects.
It is not harmful to take homeopathic and orthodox medicines together. Homeopathic remedies are so highly diluted, that there is no chemical interaction with orthodox drugs.
A consultation with a homeopath is not really like a visit to a GP. The homeopath needs to obtain a large amount of information from you, which requires a longer consultation time. Thus the initial visit usually lasts considerably longer than a normal consultation. You will be asked many questions about yourself as well as your illness and also about the health of your family, both past and present so it is helpful to think about these things before your consultation.
He wanted my complete medical history: childhood diseases, vaccinations, pregnancies, premenstrual tension, sleep patterns, food likes and dislikes and allergies. I need to understand how your body functions, if there are any peculiarities, instability, traumas.
The homeopathic treatment would involve regular visits - first four weekly and then six-weekly, while taking prescribed remedies. Homeopathy encourages the body to repair itself. It requires time and effort, but the attention you pay to your health now could not only improve your current immunity, it may prevent you developing chronic degenerative diseases.
Homeopathy works on the energy system of the body, including the immune system. The problem with scientific medicine is that it does not relate to the body having an energy system. It tends to view illness only in terms of itself.
I wish I had seen you at the start of all this. We could have sorted everything out then.


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