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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Essay of prejudice and stereotypes

First of all you have to think about what stereotypes or prejudice against the Germans are there at all. Unfortunately many people are still thinking the Germans are Nazis, although this time has past. Next idea is that most people associate the Germans with "Lederhosen", "Sauerkraut", beer and veal sausage. In short, all Germans are Bavarians! Furthermore they have some personal traits: brutal, rude, egoistic, strict, disciplined, humourless. They follow orders, are control freaks and work hard.

In conclusion there are more negative points. But it all depends on the own point of view. I am quite certain that most of the stereotypes are a gross exaggeration and of course also generalized. " Make straightaway a mountain out of a molehill!", you can say. Sometimes these "charges" are only humorous and don't mean any harm. Nevertheless there is no denying that all stereotypes have a touch of truth.

Let's go on with the question how do you handle stereotypes. As I see it I would say it depends on the meaning. You should know how to assess the situation or the context. There are two possibilities. Either it is humorous, then it is the best to laugh about it, or if it is serious you should try to avoid an escalation. As everybody knows it is no use to get upset needlessly! In other words: Just ignore it, even if it hurts.

On the other hand try to put yourself into the position of the other person, who has the stereotype or worse who has the prejudice, and his way of handling it. If you want to talk to someone, you should think about it before you start saying something what could hurt your talking partner. In all probability this is the reason why stereotypes exist or why they arise.

Back to the "victim". You don't have to take it personally. Firstly you should ask yourself if you can identify with the stereotypes. I wonder if I am a typical German. Are there typical Germans at all? Some characteristics I can notice but not all. In a way I am disciplined, I stick to the most important rules. Some people also told me that I try to do everything perfect. Another point is the stress. Sometimes I rush from one date to the next like other Germans. But these points are only concerned on me.

In general there is no question that discipline plays a big role in Germany. An example of this is the traffic. Everything runs disciplined and if there is a little striking thing you have to pay or something similar. That the Germans work hard has to do with the fact that they are often more serious in lots of ways. But I don't want to say that they have no humour, because they do, for sure!

Last but not least: What can I do to overcome stereotypes? I only have a short advice: Try to prove the opposite, but stay loyal to yourself! Don't try to put on an act, otherwise things would be going from bad to worse.

Words: 521


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