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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Australian aboriginees

About 40.000 years ago the Aboriginees came from somewhere in Asia. Nowadays they make up 1,5% of the Australian population. Before the first settlers arrived in the 18th century, there existed about 500 rather small family groups of Aboriginees. They lived from hunting and gathering and they always did everything to protect nature.
But the contact with the British settlers was not good because there was a loss of political autonomy and people died of dangerous diseases. So the Aboriginees population decreased dramatically. And the English settlers took the children away from their Aboriginal families and gave them to white families or sent them to orphanages.
In the years 1950-1960 the Australian government performed nuclear tests in Aboriginee area. But the Aboriginees were not warned, so many of them died of radiation. Until now the government has been trying to hush up this affair.
In 1970 the Australian government spent a lot of money and gave back Aboriginees area, for example: Ayers Rock, Kakadu National Park. Nowadays they are respected a bit more highly and Australia starts feeling proud of its native population.


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