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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Animal farm- georg orwell

Titel: Animal Farm Autor: Georg Orwell but his real name was Eric Arthur Blair

Purpos- Absicht

He wants to present the unpleasant facts of the Russian Revolution up to his own day.

For Orwell it's very important to inform the people about the facts of injustice, brutality and to think out for themselves some way in which a true and \"democratic socialism\" will be brought about. He writes it in an easy way that all people can understand. He wants them to understand his message.

He wrote Animal Farm at the height of the Second World War between 1943 and 1944.

The Plot of the story is about a farm somewhere in England. The action of this novel starts when the oldest pig on the farm, Old Major, tells all animals about his dream of a revolution against the cruel Mr. Jones. Now the most intelligent animals started to work out the \"Animalism\". These are the three pigs Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer. After the animals were successful with the revolution (Johannistag) and drive the farmer off the Farm they start to self-sufficient. They introduce the animals with the seven commands.

1.: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2.: Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a friend.
3.: No animal shall wear clothes.

4.: No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5.: No animal shall drink alcohol.
6.: No animal shall kill another animal.
7.: All animals are equal.

Mr. Jones tries to get the farm back but the animals vindicated (verteidigen) the Farm this fight get the name Battle of Cows head (Schlacht am Kuhstall).(12.oktober)

Snowball has his own ideas he wants to build a windmill and is so consequently against the system. Napoleon's dogs drive him from the farm. They start to build the Windmill and the animal get less and less food while the pigs get fatter and fatter. Napoleon becomes the dictator.

Those animals which were against the system were persecuted (verfolgt)

They also begin to trade with the neighbours. The pigs who establish the common rules disobey (missachten) and change it one after the other.

Boxer works really hard for the Farm and stands behind Napoleon. He has only ones doubts in the animalism, and when he was old and ill he gets no pension. Napoleon calls for the butcher (Schlachter). He was very good hearted (gutherzig) for the system.

In the end you can't distinguish between men and pigs.

Historical Background:

Animal Farm appears in the same month that the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In particular it's a satire of the Russian Revolution of 1917. But the book doesn't apply only to Russia; it's a \"satire on dictatorship in general\" against totalitarianisms and also for the \"French Revolution\" and the \"Spanish Civil War\".

Orwell uses a simple style with a clear language which the reader may look through, and see the problems clearly In Animal Farm Orwell wants to make clear the dangers of Socialist Revolution and in all Revolution; how easy it is to give way to Fascist (faschist) dictatorship.

The characters in the story represent important historical figures from the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Farmer Jones: He is the reason for the revolution. Farmer Jones is irresponsible to his animal he let them starve. Sometimes he beats them. He is like Czar Nicholas the second.

Old Major:

Without him there wouldn't be any revolution. He gives the other animals a vision and hope for a better life. He may be compared (vergleichen) to Karl Marx, whose ideologies (aidiologies) and writings eventually led (führen) to the Communist Revolution. Both died before the revolution.

Napoleon: He is aggressive, selfish, corrupt and becomes the early leader of Animal Farm. He is like Stalin. After he successfully eliminates Snowball, he becomes the dictator and kills all his rivals ( rävals). And he doesn't follow the Marx's ideas like Stalin. He always tries to make everything better just for himself and to his advantages.

Snowball: He is a good speaker and idealistic and he really wants to make the life better for all. He follows the ideas of Karl Marx. He has been chased away into the exile (exäil) by Napoleon's dogs like Trozki from the secret police.

Squeale: (squiler) He is a very good talker and that's why he is responsible for the propaganda. He changed the bad things into good things just by telling them different and the animals believe that everything is alright. He change and manipulate the commandments. He support Napoleons image.

Boxer the horse: He is the type of guy who doesn't think, in his case because he isn't that intelligent. But only through people like him the dictator is able to suppress (unterdrücken) them. His two mottos are "I will work harder" and "Napoleon is always right". Boxer and Clover are used to represent the proletariat, or unskilled labour class in Russian society. The importance of the proletariat is shown when boxer suddenly falls and there is a drastic decrease in work productivity.

Benjamin: He represents the sceptical people in Russia. He remembers every thing from the old times and knows that nothing will become better.

Moses the raven: stands for religion and keeps making promises.

Diese Charaktere sind nicht wichtig und man kann sie weglassen!!

Mollie: She went with anyone who gave her what she wants and she doesn't think about the farm. Mollie represents the vain and selfish people in Russian and the world.

Benjamin: He symbolise the older generation. He is very intelligent but is not interested in anything, he thinks that \"nothing will change\", because it is only a temporary change and will flop in the end. He still does his work the same way, never becoming too excited or too disappointed about anything that happend. Benjamin explains, \"Donkeys live a long time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey.\" The only time he seems to care about the others at all is when Boxer is carried off in the glue truck. After the animals have forgotten Jones and their past lives, Benjamin still remembers everything.

Muriel: Muriel the goat is the farm animal who reads better than the rest of the \"common\' animals. Though she does not always understand the meaning of what she reads, she often reads the altered Commandments to the other farm animals, and so to the reader she may symbolize a revelatory force.

Clover: The mare who, along with Boxer, becomes a loyal and devoted believer in the Revolution. After the executions on the farm, Clover assumes a motherly position, to which the other animals retreat for comfort and understanding.

Pilkington: The neighboring farmer who Napoleon plays off Frederick in negotiations for the pile of timber. Pilkington\'s nonchalance and apathy toward the situation at large is a commentary on a specific type of decadent and unpolitically-minded British gentleman, as well as on the slow response of the Allies during World War II.

Frederick: The evil and cruel farmer to whom Napoleon eventually sells the pile of timber; he pays in forged bank notes, thus cheating Animal Farm. The rumors of exotic and cruel animal tortures he performs on his \"farm\" are meant to echo the horror stories emerging from Nazi Germany.

Whymper: Whymper is the man who acts as a trade agent for Animal Farm. His interests in the farm\'s affairs are purely business-minded, and his lack of concern for the animal rights issues behind the Animal Farm regime offer up a parody of the activities of countries which conduct business with communist regimes.


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