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Two kinds of stress

The word stress usually has a negative touch. This should not be the case in general because there is positive stress, too. Of course, this doesn`t mean that the body needs stress to feel better. On the contrary, stress situations send messages to the glands, which eject doses of adrenalin. The amount of adrenalin ejected depends on how intense the stress situation is. Positive stress makes body and mind function well, and there are moments in everyday life, where, without the right amount of positive stress, we would perhaps be incapable of carrying out difficult tasks.

As we know, adrenalin prepares the body to master emergency situations. An enormous amount of energy is made available to the body within parts of a second. In real dangerous situations this can be lifesaving. If the available energy is spent on handling emergencies, or for the purpose of mastering occurring stress situations, everything is well in balance again.

The problem is that adrenalin is not a new invention of our physical systems, but it has been with us for as long as the human race exists. Released in a body under stress, adrenalin can hardly be influence by will power although a person can train its body and mint to cope with identical situations, reducing the output of adrenalin.

Man had always had to cope with lifethreatening situations during his daily existence. Modern man experiences lifethreatening situations too, but they are mostly of a different kind nowadays. When in former times we needed a great amount of energy to get our body prepared t deal with dangerous situations, for example, to escape a hungry lion, or some other big beast of prey, we had to go to the limit of our strength, completely using up all the available energy.

But think of a car driver who has to cope with a lifethreatening situation. His reactions have to be quick, and will only last a second or two. If he manages to survive, he still has most of the energy flooding his body which was set free by the adrenal gland. If situations like these happen more often, then this excessive output of adrenalin will cause illness in the long run.

Research is finding more and more proof that negative stress suppresses the body`s immune system. Scientists discovered that there is a connection between negative stress and low antibody production. A declining amount of helper calls is the price the body has to pay for stress.


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