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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)


I saw a girl. She is standing over there. 10 points
Sue had a problem. She did not know how to solve it.
My brother visits my grandmother. She is in the hospital now.

I don\'t like boys. They are too cool.
We have got a cat. It is called \"Momo\"

Tenses: 14 points

Yesterday I ___________ (not go) to school, because I ___________ (be) ill. My mother ___________(come) to me and ___________(say) :\" Darling, you ___________ (need not go) to school. You ___________(be) a good pupil. If you ___________(miss) one or two days, it ___________(not be) a drama.\"Oh no. I ___________(like) to go to school, Mum!\" I ___________(answer).
But now, at this moment I___________(sit) on my chair, in 34 minutes it ___________(ring), and I ___________(hate) myself, because I___________(go) to school.

Modalverbs: all tenses 14 points

Ich kann schwimmen. (2 times)
Michael muß in die Schule gehen. (3 times)

Die Kinder dürfen im Garten spielen.
Maggie darf nicht zur Party gehen.

Form question or negation and the right tense: 14 points

She drank two bottles of beer. (Pr.t.Prog., Question)
He is leaving school. (Pr.t.simple, Negation)
My sister will be angry. (Past t., Negation)
Are you good in history? (Past t., Negation)
She had to walk to school yesterday. (Future t.,Question)
They did not use their heads. (Pr.t.simple, normal)
He knew it from another boy. (Future t., Question)

Plus points:

Put the sentences with the modalverbs in all possible tenses.


44-52 = 1

37-43 = 2
29-36 = 3
21-28 = 4 -20 = 5


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