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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The tudors 1485 - 1602

The early modern period of British history is dominated by the Tudors in England and the Stewarts in Scotland. In both realms, as the century progressed, there were new ways of approaching old problems. Henry VIII and James IV were both bellicose, cultured, educated Renaissance princes with a love of learning and architectural splendour. As contemporaries and brothers-in-law, they treated the problems of the Reformation in different ways - James remained staunchly Catholic while Henry broke away from the Catholic Church to form the Church of England (of which he had himself proclaimed Head).By the turn of the century, both realms were strongly Protestant and under the control of two long reigning monarchs - Elizabeth and James VI. The early modern period was definitely an era where women exercised more influence.

     Despite the odd voice to the contrary, such as John Knox, Catherine de Medici in France, Elizabeth and Mary in England and Mary in Scotland ruled as their male counterparts had done before them - all intent on securing the best political, military and diplomatic outcomes for their respective realms.


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