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englisch artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Present tense simple

Present Tense Simple Present Tense Continous Exercises Übungen 1. Decide whether to use Present Tense Simple or Present Tense Continuous. 1. Sometimes Susan watches science fiction films, but she normally prefers love stories. 2. Look! Mr.

     Cooper is working. He usually starts work at about 8 o'clock. 3. We are going to a football match next Saturday. 4. Can you answer the phone, please , I am having a bath right now.

     5. I never eat spinach, but we are having some this evening. 6. When I see him, we always go to a pub. 7. We usually meet when we go to work.

     8. Listen! Mrs. Jones is playing the piano. You can hear her very clearly. 9. When John sleeps, he sometimes talks.

     10. Sorry, Mr. Smith , I cannot speak to you right now, because I am very buys. 11. Paul and Tim go to London three times a year, but next summer they are staying at home. 12.

     Occasionally he goes to the cinema, but he goes to the theatre at least once a week. 13. John isn't here, he is working late this evening. 14. At the moment I don't like fish. 15.

     Peter always sings while he is having a bath. 16. Look ! It is raining outside, so we can't go to the beach. 17. Susan hates potatoes, because she thinks they are bad for her. 18.

     I must go home now, because my parents are waiting for me. 19. Sam can't go to Mexico next summer, so he is visiting his grandmother. 20. Mary loves chocolate, and she eats some ever day.


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