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Policy initiatives

The policies which I describe afterwards, are part of an Employment Department budget of 2,680 million pounds for training, enterprise and vocational education programs.

3.1 Training for Work
Training for Work is especially for people who where unemployed for six months ore more. There are places for 150,000 people planned. People learn to improve and update skills or to learn new ones.

3.2 Youth Training
It is for 16 to 17 year old people who leave school. They learn till they are 18 years old. Youth Training puts great emphasis on raising the level of qualifications of new entrans to the workforce. More than 3,500,000 young people were trained since 1983.

3.3 Employment Training
Is the training for people aged 18 or over who have been unemployed for 6 months or more. Like Youth Training it is delivered by training providers and over 1,400,000 people have entered the programme since 1992.

3.4 Training Credits
Credits issued to young people which allow them to choose training to approved standards. Some TECs are extending the principle to cover the training of adults.

3.5 Investors in People
Is a national standard designed to encourage employers to recognise the importance of the link between the development of people and business success.
3.6 Technical and Vocational Education Initiative
Technical and Vocational Education Initiative is responsible for promoting closer links between the education system and industry and commerce.

3.7 Compacts
These are local agreements between employers, local education authorities and training providers in inner city areas to help young people gain experience.

3.8 Career Development Loans
Career Development Loans are loans to encourage individuals to invest in their own future.

3.9 High Technology National Training
This is a training for unemployed people in high technology skills to fill vacancies for known national skills shortages.

3.10 Enterprise in Higher Educations
Enterprise in Higher Educations is funding to develop higher education graduates who are better prepared for working life.

3.11 Jobcentres
Jobcentres are community-bases sites which will soon be integrated with benefit offices to offer a one stop service to their clients.


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