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informatik artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

Internet in students' lives

1. Java
2. Viren

\"THE INTERNET OFFERS THE RESEARCHER access to a vast source of information scattered at locations around the world.\", (Campbell, page 1). It gives you more informa- tion or working materials than a local library can offer. You can gain access to written materials, but it is possible to link to video, audio, and listening resources as well.

Every student in the Kollegstufe still has problems using the English language. Firstly, students are not native English speakers and have to learn everything right from the beginning of the Gymnasium until the Kollegstufe. Secondly, students live in a non-English speaking country and cannot use the language in normal life, only in the classroom. There, they skip into an English-speaking world and read English texts, articles, poems, short stories and novels to improve their speaking skills. On this way, they get used to speak the foreign language.

But the effort, students must make in order to do well in the LK English is on a high level. In tests and exams they have to analyze short stories of famous authors or articles, out of Time [] or Newsweek []. In those articles they must find the style and form of the writing or the point of view out of the given texts. Recognizing stylistic devices, irony or satire is even harder.

Once connected to the web , students can find needful material for the years of their English classes. The variety and diversity of the wide ranged links are amazing and unbelievable. You will never cover everything, but surely enough for your studies. English learning students can improve their abilities in every area. Especially when they have problems in writing, grammar or spelling, lack of vocabulary or not enough know- ledge about English speaking countries. The Internet faces all these problems and offers everything and unlimited material to fill these gaps.

\"The Internet holds the potential for revolutionizing the way research is done \", (Camp- bell, page 2). This sentence might be true, if you take a look on the advantages of it. The Internet is available 24 hours a day and is the best stocked global library. Finding material is easier and faster than it is in a huge library. Students can share information, material and ideas via chat or email, not only in their city, but they can exchange all over the world. The Internet comes into every students house and appears on the computer screen.


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