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geschichte artikel (Interpretation und charakterisierung)

The chocolate war

Author: Robert Cormier began his writing career as a journalist. He lives in Leominster, Massachusetts in America.
Other books by Cormier: "I am the Cheese", "After the First Death"

Main Characters:

Jerry Renault: He is an honest and straightforward freshman at Trinity High school. He is the protagonist of the story.

The Vigils: They are a secret and forbidden student organization at Trinity. For this high school Mafia, public victimization is the name of the game and absolute control is gained by humiliating fellow students into conformity through initiation tests called assignments.

Brother Leon: As the substitute headmaster of Trinity he wants to cure the school\'s budget by an immense chocolate sell. He is a very moody teacher and he can cope with any of his classes, but not "The Vigils"

Archie Costello: He is the most important member of "The Vigils" and a very self -confident pupil. He forces pupils to carry out different and humiliating assignments, which no one ever has dared to refuse.

Obie: He is also a member of "The Vigils" and he is Archie\'s errand boy. That\'s why he hates Archie, for he always has to do dirty jobs.

John Carter: Formally, he is the Chief of "The Vigils\' but in fact Archie has got the power. Nevertheless, he is respected by everyone because he is a football guard and the president of the boxing club.

Emile Janza: His lack of intelligence is compensated by muscles. Although he doesn\'t like "The Vigils" he tries to be their friend because Archie blackmails him with an embarrassing picture of him.
The story is set at the catholic private Trinity High school in Virginia, USA, in present time. As a part of a charity project, every pupil should sell at least fifty boxes of chocolate. Because most students are unwilling and tired of selling stuff for school, Brother Leon - who is in charge of this project - decides to use the help of "The Vigils\'. So he indirectly explains to Archie that if "The Vigils" make the students sell those boxes, Archie\'s marks will improve.
"The Vigils", of course, are able to do this and the chocolate sale runs better than expected, but to show their power they give Jerry Renault the assignment to refuse selling chocolates for ten days. But on the first day Jerry continues not to sell chocolate. Although "The Vigils" give him now the explicit order to sell the boxes, he still refuses. As a consequence, pressure is put on him in all ways: there are anonymous phone calls in the middle of the night, Jerry is knocked down from behind during a football match and a group of guys, lead by Emile Janza, waits for him on the street and they hit and kick him until he is unconscious. Physically and mentally deeply hurt, Jerry is now full of hate against "The Vigils". Archie knows that and wants to show once more the power of "The Vigils" by giving him the chance to take revenge. So Archie arranges a box fight between Jerry and Emile Janza on the school field where all students have come together to see the final show down. Of course, Jerry is beaten up by unfair Janza and before Jerry is nearly murdered, brother Leon, who has been watching since the beginning, turns off the lights of the field. Jerry is brought to hospital and it turns out that probably there will be no punishment for Archie and "The Vigils" or for the corrupt brother Leon.


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