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Boys in the hood

Main characters: Tre: He lives with his father, who wants to make a man of him. He does not want to
live a life like the other boys in the hood, he wants to learn something and to
have a good job, he is also trying to keep his rage.

Ricky: He is Doughboy\'s brother and he dreams of becoming a football star. He has
a girlfriend and they have a son. His mother loves him and believes in him

Doughboy: He is Ricky\'s brother, he was 7 years in prison because of robbery, he is not liked by his mother. That is why his self-confidence is not very high.

Monster: He is a member of the gang, he knows his friends since childhood.

Kris: During a gang fight he got shot in his legs and since this he has to sit in a

Furbus: Tre\'s father, he works as a salesman for houses and yards. He and his wife are divorced and Tre lives with him since he was seven He tries to educate his child good, so that he would not end as the other kids (e.g.: drug dealers, alcoholics or criminals).

At the age of seven Tre has to live with his father1 because his mother cannot cope with him besides she has to concentrate on studying and she wants him to be educated as a man.
His father wants hirn to be educated without violence. He gets to know the differences between black and whites. He also learns that there are many differences between the black people. They call themselves niggers and most Of them do not really respect girls or women.
The crime rate in his hood is very high and increases weekly. Everyday people have to listen to shoots and police alarms. Nobody is really save and that is the reason why everyone has his own gun (sometimes more than one).
Right from the beginning his father makes him aware of taking response. He also talks with him about all his problems and other things like sexuality or AIDS. At the age of seventeen Ricky and he want to 90 to a well-known university. Ricky has already a son and a girlfriend, but they live by his mother.
Ricky\'s brother Doughboy comes home from prison. He does not have a job, like all his friends. All the day they are hanging around in the hood, drinking alcohol or looking for girls. They are also dealing with drugs, because of that they have money. Sometimes other gangs come to their hood and cause trouble. They shoot each other and want to show their power.
Tre has a girlfriend, who is named Brenda. She is educated in a very catholic manner, but all the same he loves her.
Tre and Ricky make a entrance examination for the university. Ricky is a very good football player, because of that he wants to go to the university. Tre wants to change to a better live.
One day Ricky and Tre go shopping. On their way home a hostile gang pursues them by car. They run away, but the gang shoots Ricky down. He dies immediately.

Ricky\'s mother and his girlfriend are shocked. Tre runs home and take his gun with him His father and his girlfriend wants to stop him, but he does not hear at them. Doughboy, Monster, Tre and a member of the gang want to take revenge on Ricky. They drive around with Doughboy\'s car and try to find the other gang, who has killed Ricky.
Suddenly Tre leaves the car and goes home, because he changes his mind. Doughboy and his two friends drive around the whole night. When they decide to take a break and eat something, they find the other gang. The other gang members were eating hamburgers while Monster loads his machine gun. Doughboy switches off the lights from his car and drives in the direction of the other gang. The other boys try to run away, but Monster shoots them down. Doughboy stops his car and shoots the gang members in the head because he wants to take revenge on his brother. Because of his brother\'s death, Doughboy realizes that he has to change his life, otherwise he will be killed someday.
He made up his mind too late, because two weeks after his brother\'s funeral he gets killed anyway. Tre goes to university and so does Brenda.


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