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Australian justice system background

. Lisa Developments Pty. Limited, Australia,
(Artificial Intelligence -> Mind Network, Applied Neuroscience, Computer Software)
Telephone Number (Australia) 015922245

ACN 003826659
1996. Australian population is about 50% of non Anglo-Saxon heritage - it takes about 2 generations of natural born children of European or Asian ancestry to feel as one with a new nation, with a new culture - these generations are now nearly there but they are not taking to the Anglo-Saxon Australians and that is a concern - because with a 50% mix of Anglo-Saxons and non Anglo-Saxons no one can afford to ignore the fact that something is not right, for the sake of your children if you are clever or intelligent or well educated, you can not afford to ignore.
In this brief report, let us tear away at the root of what could well be the main problem of creating a new nation - the Australian Justice System. If you are a Roman Catholic then perhaps you can appreciate the \'holiness\' placed on the Pope, but alas, the British Queen is head of the Anglican Church and as you read this, consider the awesome problem of altering Anglo-Saxon law, I don\'t call it Australian Law, it is Anglo-Saxon - what Australian would wear a wig to sit as a judge on the Superior Courts? It is medieval type legal structure, totally alien to most Australians, that we have in place in our country and it is semi-enshrined with the office of a head of a church.
Of course, to eradicate racism takes a long time. Look carefully into any of the major public service departments and you can find strange things that might well be racism, consider - the NSW Education department allows schools to only give out a certain number of \"A\" grades per school regardless of how many students are eligible. Puzzling? Appears that way but think carefully now, which sub-cultural group has proven to be the most successful academically? Australians of Asian origin have and the obvious question has to be asked - when two students score equal top marks and one is an Australian of Asian background and the other of an Anglo-Saxon background, who makes the decision who gets the A and who gets the B, given a particular school is only allocated one single A grade that it can give out?
While common sense and sound policies can eradicate matters such as the above there are other areas and policies and way of doing things that can not be changed readily. Understanding the Anglo-Saxon legal system may hold the golden key to grasping the problems of a new multi-cultural Australia. If you are of non Anglo-Saxon origin chances are you will never get jury duty; if you suffer injury at work the odds are that the Anglo-Saxon juries will award you less in damages if you are not from Anglo-Saxon stock - this is the naked TRUTH about the Australian legal system and any good barrister knows this. The Anglo-Saxon judges - (note that the Supreme and High Courts were not the subject of research) - appear to seldom use common sense in matters of justice - they don\'t know \'justice\', they just know \'law\' and usually only their own esoteric \'interpretation of law\' and this in some \'holy way\' mysterious to anyone who is not Anglican. At University they are not taught to \"think\" per se - but to use a style of reasoning which is unique to the Anglo-Saxons.
Whether you are an Australian of Anglo-Saxon ancestry or of Italian ancestry or of Russian ancestry, or Asian, or whatever (or British - a person who may have immigrated as a child to Australia is unlikely in adult life to view themselves as Australian, they will see themselves as British, and this too is important to appreciate in perspective), it is essential to correctly understand those aspects of present day Australia which no longer fit into our society. No punches can be held back, when addressing aspects of the system which are not proper, because the human instinct will know when you are trying to \'pretend\' that something is not really a problem. In other words, truth alone and correct interpretation of aspects of Australian law is the only proper way to begin forging a new nation. Let us begin.
Let us examine what might well be a typical situation in an Australian court of law. I once came upon a senior member of the Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT), a Dr Grimes, who in 1993 was at the Parramatta Chambers of the AAT. Now, I am a neuroscientist (from a computing background but this matters little, my personal research into neuroscience appears to be attaining recognition from diverse world-wide sectors) and the fact that I know the human brain backwards means that sometimes I can study a person\'s facial expression and know some aspects of their thoughts. When I saw Dr Grimes for the first time one thing struck me immediately, \"a natural racist\". While I am a neuroscientist and pick such things up using qualified knowledge - the reality is that non-neuroscientists can pick such things up using their instinct. For this reason it should be a part of a new Australian constitution that no one gets to be on any tribunal or be a judge of any kind if they can not pass a basic psychological \'racist level\' test (on which most of us would scrore positive - to some degree we are all racists but not \'blind racists\' - but clearly there is a human positive level which is tolerable and there is a very vicious level.)


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